Unban Request For WindwartDrop90
Your name: WindwartDrop90

Your ban ID:STEAM_0:1:53955315

Banned by: Console

Reason: Metagaming, promoting rulebreak (Backseat admin), trying to bypass NLR by saying it OOC - Extended by Narcotic due to similar priors

Involved: It Was Unfair 30 Days Ban, Few Days I Would Undestand

Why we should unban you: Because I Wanna Play And all was not my fault... It Was HSS And Presidents Fault too Then I Was Done Objective 'War Agains Coverment Begin' Because First Lets Start HSS He Was All Time Ingoring Me/Handcuffing, And All Time When I Was talking President He Sayd At Mic 'I Hate rebels lets Ban Them And Start War' Then President He Was Baning Rebels With No Reason We Was Doing Our Bace peasyful At Appartments And They Come Random Raid And Handcuff me When They Didn't Find Nothing... I think It Was Unfair Ban 30 Days But Few days Il Would understand...

Narcotic Please Don't Denied This Mididle When You See Thank YouOmg
You have 3 prior bans for NLR, you obviously don't learn anything.
Did You Just Dont Understand I Readet Rules Again And Because I Am Not English and my country is realy hard read english and i am just like high school... So yhe i hope you understand what i mean i mean i realy didnt now like before 120 hours what NLR mean .....
But you broke NLR again, the rules are easily understandable for everyone.
do you mean it when i get rdm by hss and i almost came back and then he handcuff me and
sayd me to go back were are died to speak president?????
Please re-phrase that sentence as I had difficulties understanding it.
i mean do you mean NLR that when i died because HSS rdm me at appartments and i was front of appartments when HSS handcuff me and sayd then president want to talk me at appartments and he point gun at me
(02-19-2013, 08:16 PM)WindwartDrop90 Wrote: i mean do you mean NLR that when i died because HSS rdm me at appartments and i was front of appartments when HSS handcuff me and sayd then president want to talk me at appartments and he point gun at me

We'll have to wait for Salinsky to comment here in order to solve the case scenario.
fi one thing: when i came back appartments after HSS was rdm me he handcuff me front of appartments...

well i have little chance to unban Sad well i think we see after 26 days Sad
Not only have you been banned for NLR three times, you have also had not one but several blacklists for metagaming.

Blacklistpage Wrote:8168 WindwartDrop90 STEAM_0:1:53955315 Steam Profile OOC You don't seem to learn what metagaming is.
[FL:M] Salinsky
8166 WindwartDrop90 STEAM_0:1:53955315 Steam Profile OOC Metagaming
[FL:M] Salinsky
7856 WindwartDrop90 STEAM_0:1:53955315 Steam Profile OOC Stop the metagaming.
[FL:M] Salinsky
7562 WindwartDrop90 STEAM_0:1:53955315 Steam Profile OOC Metagaming.
[FL:M] Salinsky

This is also one of the reasons I have banned you.
I have asked [FL] DerStorm to check the logs and find the exact quote of what you said on the server that lead to me banning you.

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