Cpt Sharps
Name of player: Cpt Sharps

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28533213

Time in GMT: Minutes before posting.

Server: v2d

Summary:I was talking to a guy and then out of nowhere this guy comes and he random tranqes me.

Evidence: [Image: jjycnn.png]
Here because the br is on me I kept seeing you wave a gun at people then i run far away and hide behind cover pulled it out tranq gun tranqed you to get you to stop waving it around because i didnt want someone to be shot so then i holster everything left in a compleatly different direction you chase me down tranq me and tie me up saying that you saw me tranq you yet both you and your friend were looking the opposite direction then i said there was no rp way that you could have known that i tranqed you which you couldnt have then you shot me in the face with a mp5 and said you don't know rp that you shot me and then you ran off.
And how could i have tranqed you minutes after the br was posted and i don't see how i came and tranqed you when i was far away when i did it.
It was a flare-gun.
well it was in the guys chest and looked like a deagle from where i was.
No it was a flare gun i was there, we where just joking around with the flaregun and Cpt Sharps Tranqed Fillehh without justifying why
Either way tranqing someone is NOT how to handle a situation like this. Either call the cops, tell them personally, or gather evidence to post a ban request of your own.

Ban request approved.

Banned player,
Please make sure to follow all of our rules in the future to avoid further disciplinary action.
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