Please Unban Red Jack A Lope
Your name: Red Jack A Lope

Your ban ID: 24524

Banned by: Narcotic

Reason:Administrator disrespect, abusing advert., extended due to # of bans-beflok

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I think you should unban me because i realize that day i was being i dick and im sorry. I was just having a bad day but i know that doesn't give me the right to disrespect authority. Also i only abused advert once, But yeah. Anyway i want to get unbanned because i feel like im not as much as a jerk anymore and I really want to play on these awesome RPservers. One last thing im pretty sure this is my only unban request i made. Ok thank you for your time
Well, your behavior offended us a lot, and you obviously didn't wish to be here. I'll let beflok decide though.
You've been breaking the rules non-stop since you got here, racking up numerous bans straight in a row.

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