Unban Request
Your name: {IG} [FL:RP] Flaminator

Your ban ID: 24816

Banned by: [FL] Grub

Reason: 'Intentional CDM'

Involved: Generation , modx

Why we should unban you: Well, Generation wanted to buy some fish form me and I droved to him. Well I was at his place an I saw generation was following a Black mustang ( Generation was a cop ). I saw the black mustang cdm'ing an guy in a black suit. I droved at the garage near the river. And then I crashed because of internet crash, Then some friends said your are banned.

Oh yeah and modx was following me, because he wants to talk to generation he crahsed and he died. He saw what happend

[Image: NkvEySV.png]

True, while i was driving behind Flaminator i saw a guy with a mustang running over a player, generation immediatly took his car and tried to get the guy then suddently flam crashed (bad internet)... he didn't cdm anyone!
Maybe, The black mustang droved him over and that guy was knockout with low HP. ( If i'm right thats new on the server )

[Image: NkvEySV.png]

I was on the server but that time. After you were banned Modx sent me a PM saying you did not run over anyone. I then sent him a PM back with a quote from logs showing you knocking out Enzyme.
(02-17-2013, 05:29 PM)GhostRider Wrote: I was on the server but that time. After you were banned Modx sent me a PM saying you did not run over anyone. I then sent him a PM back with a quote from logs showing you knocking out Enzyme.

How, I saw generation following a black Mustang he said the black mustang droved someone over, I saw that to, That guy was on the ground, and Maybe I droved it over because he was knockout If i'm right I didnt saw a guy infront of my car allive

[Image: NkvEySV.png]

i told him the logs, knocked over and drove over is not the same , knocking over someone isn't killing him, is it ?
It would kill him eventually after few minutes, and it considered CDM.
But I swear the mustang droved him over, I saw that. Generation saw that to and modx

[Image: NkvEySV.png]


As I've been quoted as "Involved", I'm gonna tell my story side. I was doing some Speed Control on V2P near the river. When I saw a Black Mustang Overspeeding at 42-45 MPH, I came into my car and in a few seconds, this car cdm'ed someone. Flaminator truck at this moment was not far and between the moment where I left the place and the moment where I finished my chase in the river (The Black Mustang's Driver pushed me in the lake with his car while in chase). I didn't see at all Flaminator CDM'ing someone.

[Image: Unban_Request__zpse4536d4e.jpg]

Red : My path.
Green : Black Mustang's path.
Purple / White Star : Death of the Suited body.
Blue : Flaminator's path.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Exactly that happend, If you can see the black mustang CDM'ed first

[Image: NkvEySV.png]

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