Unban request DoubleN
Your name: DoubleN

Your ban ID: 21917

Banned by: [FL] Matt

Reason: Scamming

Involved: Me and the guy I scammed

Why we should unban you: I have had about 1-3 months to think about what I done. I scammed a young player (Aged about10-12) 300k. What happened was I spawned a fake labo and the guy was like "Can I but that?" so I said because I thought he was joking. So he gave me 300k and I was scared so I left. I didn't know what to do. I have posted an unban request and I lied in it but I know that was wrong and I will never lie or scam or break the rules any more.

Many thnk
Doesn't even sound plausible.
I logged onto v33x few minutes after you had scammed.

As soon as I spawned, I got called by a guy who told me that you had scammed him. He gave me the time when he got scammed and I then asked from Matt to check the logs, which showed you scamming him. You literally trolled the guy, I highly doubt you've changed.
(02-16-2013, 10:48 PM)GhostRider Wrote: I logged onto v33x few minutes after you had scammed.

As soon as I spawned, I got called by a guy who told me that you had scammed him. He gave me the time when he got scammed and I then asked from Matt to check the logs, which showed you scamming him. You literally trolled the guy, I highly doubt you've changed.

He said "Can i buy the car?" So i said yes and he gave me the money. I didn't do anything else. Go check the console again if you don't believe me.
We have a zero tolerance policy against scamming and you don't even seem to regret your actions.
This is not up to me, however I would say no for an unban.
Your story is constantly changing, first you say your accidentally disconnected and were actually selling a lamborghini and now you say it was all an accident and you were scared.

You're clearly lying.


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