Scariest thing to happen to you ?
Bin go boom > all your scary stuff
(08-01-2010, 07:22 AM)Paven Wrote: The scarıest thıng ı have ever experıenced ıs thıs.

I sat up one nıght, watchıng tv. A bad movıe, wıth Angelına Jolıe or someone sımıllar.
My pc was on and ı had the sound on. Ill went down for a moment to get some fruıt and water. Downstaırs ı hear some wıerd noıces, go and check. I fınd that nothıng have changes, the rotten garbage lays on the floor, the bıble ıs thrown ınto the toılet. And thıngs lıke that. Ill go upstaırs and try to relax. Then suddenly a hıgh pıtchıng noıse comes from the pc, I fall off the chaır and hurts my head.

When ı go up to check the PC, ı see a message from Gystez! And ıt says:

Can ı get your phone nummber?!

What the f*** xDD
(08-01-2010, 09:05 AM)barrelroll Wrote: I heard a dinosawr rawring..

Barrel lives in dinosawr landz
HAHA good one, Paven! xD xD you really made me laugh there xD
The scarıest thıng I have ever experıenced was when I met your mom.
Signature too big...
1. One day i sat down near a window and watched my uncle playing a Strategy game (Cant remeber it) and suddenly the window cracked.

2. I was relaxing in my room as suddenly lights go out and i seriously heard somebody calling my name.

3. A friend came to me and we played some Alone in the dark on ps2 (Meh!) and he fell asleep while playing it so i turned the ps2 off after like 10 minutes he wakes up breathing hardly like getting no air and he said something which i didnt really understanded but i think it sounded like :"Help me, he is going to get me".
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I had something like that, It dont happen now but its something do with ouija boards .....

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