Just deleted the local content of a butt load of games. Freed up 30 gigs of space on my computer, all to buy Sam and Max.

Moderator Edit - That is the end of my story and I will NOT talk about games that will delete files. Even though I said 'don't play it' - that's more of an incentive for people to do so. So I won't.

Didn't understand anything of this post. WTF is 'Moderator edit' and what is 'Sam and Max'.

I am lost.
Sam and Max is a series of games on Steam, the Moderator Edit was removing part of my post cos Sniper didn't want it to be public, which is fair do's.
Sam & Max is epic Tounge

Amazing humour throughout Smile
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Also with Sam & Max being episodic as it is - you don't need 30gb for it Tounge

1gb would have done Tounge Then you can install as you go lol
Needed a clean anyways, lol. xD

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