My Appeal.
Note: This appeal has been allowed by Killjoy who has allowed me to post this in hope of some sort of agreement.

Your name:

Your ban ID: 15711

Banned by: Console

Reason: A long while ago, there was another community which was made by a few Ex members of FL staff and a few other members of FL accompanied them as well. This community basically ripped off all of Fearless' ideas going from templates to logo's to in-game content. This caused hostile activity between Fearless and the other community which involved threats. Their community failed but they sourced on to make another community and start fresh. This community had basically the same staff team but was not intentionally going to try and rip off the Fearless RP design. One day I was promoted to "Trial-Admin" for a day or so, which meant I just moderated the forum as there was yet to be a server. I was then caught out by a staff member of FL and permanently banned for being "An affiliate of **". The moment I realized that something was wrong I resigned and took matters over to FL, which is where I am now.

Involved: As far as I remember the only other people involved besides myself was SoulRipper.

Why we should unban you: Although it may seem that my case is bad, I have a few points to back myself up along with good points to which have actually helped the Fearless reputation towards other members of the Role-play community.

My first point being the most important, which is why I believe being permanently banned because I was nearly a staff member of a community which was not actually that hostile towards FL as I remember correctly. Yes I may have been with their community, but I was not sided with them and did not agree with the silly decisions they had made which ended up with the hostile environment between these two communities. I also only Trialed as an Admin for one day and then left the community due to realizing that I had been banned from Fearless.

My second point involves me as a Role-play character. When playing on the Fearless I have never been banned for anything other than the affiliation with other communities, I have also managed to capture footage of numerous minges including a few certain players who had been banned at least 8 times before, I have posted the evidence on the Ban Request section and they were successfully banned, and a few permed. I have proved to be a very good role player and rarely break any of the RP rules in Fearless, but admittedly on the occasion I have slipped up.

My final point involves the Fearless reputation itself towards another community which was hostile towards it (We all know which community this was). This community had proved to be a constant distress the the Fearless community involving copied logo's, copied game modes, similar layout structure and even stolen idea's from the dev team at FL. As I realized that there was clearly something going on which needed to be sorted before matters got serious (DDoS), I negotiated with a staff member of Fearless and worked out a deal with them. This deal was that if a certain Admin from the hostile community was removed from the staff team and banned, the owner agreed to take away all of the copied material and then there would be a truce. This truce was that if there was no hostile activity and copied material anymore, the staff members from that community would be un-banned from Fearless RP. This truce, organized by myself was then broken with silly and childish acts by the Owner and Co-Owner of the other community. This then put the whole thing back to square one and there was nothing left that I could do as I had no power over them.

I hope that I can be forgiven by the Fearless community and staff for this foolish act, and I am extremely sorry for the betrayal I have caused.

Please take this into serious consideration,

In order to find your Ban ID and the administrative member that issued the permanent suspension, go to the ban page and type in your Steam ID or your Steam username at the time, it will then take you to your ban which you can then add in the template in this thread right here.
Last I saw you there, you were not trial, hell you got promoted a few days after joining their community which makes me not believe your story at all.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(02-12-2013, 12:44 PM)Ruxandra Wrote: Last I saw you there, you were not trial, hell you got promoted a few days after joining their community which makes me not believe your story at all.

I was promoted to Trial-Admin 3 days after the community had started up, this is because I was a first choice due to being well known around the staff members and Owner. You can believe me or not but in the end I am the one who was there and I know what happened. Period.
I edited in the information regarding the banning admin and the suspension ID.
I have played with this character before and his RP statement is true.

I for one don't like the people from NV involved with that stupid war we had.

If what he says is true I think he would be a good addition back into our community.
Need some builds for RP? Click here!
Thank you Beflok, what I am stating in my appeal is completely the truth. I would not lie or try to deceive my way back into the community because even if I managed that I'd just feel bad for lying to everyone so they could accept me back in. I'm glad that my appeal is being looked at and hopefully the FL staff can discuss this matter and come to a final decision about my presence here at the Fearless community.

I hope we can overlook this matter and you guys can forgive me for the wrong that I have done.
Welcome back to FL, we hope you enjoy your stay.

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