Goodbye for now...
Hello dear readers of this thread...

It comes with sad feelings when I have to say goodbye for this great community, but since I'm lookout of this game for a hole year, I feel no need to stay as long...

It have been fun with all the RP times we had together all of you... etc, when we made "Anonymous" and tried hacking into the nexus... Or when we all gather up as Corleone trying to remain strong through the dark times our family had...

I feel very angry and sad when it comes to goodbye, because I did not choose this by myself I got forced out. I tried to do everything to resist my ban, and I tried to do everything to shorten my ban so I could play with you, but no admins or superiors would even listen... When it comes to minges and people on the server that only wanna do horrible things to you, as the one that happened to me, stay strong... Stay together as the community you are; strong, and loving.

May your roleplay day be longer than mine...
Yours sincerely - Thomas aka. Stormbugz Heart
Goodbye. Best luck on your future plans.
Bye! o/
60h in one single year...? uh

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
The following 2 users Like Infernaw's post:
  • Commander Fi5h, Small Bear
Goodbye, Stormbugz.
Kind regards,
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The following 1 user Likes whoopie's post:
  • Commander Fi5h
Farewell Stormbugz .
Strong and loving community? Are you high?

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