Ban Request: Constantine
(02-02-2013, 03:04 PM)ImaPrice Wrote: Patt said that the one that shoot you was basing at the other side of the road and i had just entered the server (that can be confirmed by a look in the log) and standing there with no weapon. I pulled out the weapon after you random tazed me and cuffed me with no reason.

Again you shot me while i was standing trying to hear contraband,you broke fear rp aswell,the other guy accross the street was dealt with around 10 minutes ago.

It is not you who declares an arrest to be valid or not and that doesnt justify breaking fear rp.

If you was reading the topic you would have seen that i heard contraband recharging then i asked to go inside to take a closer look,after being denied i stay near garage door for around 5 minutes then i heard contraband recharging,also police can go wherever they want except trespassing,none of your business if i was standing there.

There is no need for evidence since your friend admitted everything and since you both are conflicting in your sayings,he said that he saw me there for 5 minutes then you said i didnt,then you said i did and asked me why i was standing there etc... too many lies which can be clearly seen
"Again you shot me while i was standing trying to hear contraband,you broke fear rp aswell,the other guy accross the street was dealt with around 10 minutes ago."

He did not, he arrived there after the guy across the street shot at you.

"There is no need for evidence since your friend admitted everything and since you both are conflicting in your sayings,he said that he saw me there for 5 minutes then you said i didnt,then you said i did and asked me why i was standing there etc... too many lies which can be clearly seen"

not sure what on earth you're talking about
Are you serious? Is calling people liars the point we are reaching in this discussion? Seeing as you already have been banned before for lying? Please provide any evidence for your claims. We have answered your questions multiple times but you seem to not get it.
Because each new post conflicts your older posts,it can be clearly seen,you said first that i didnt even stand near garage,now your saying that i did and asked me why i was standing there,then you admitted breaking fear rp and getting your gun out.
Fact : ImaPrice shot me and went inside the building,broke fear rp with shanze aswell
Nobody shot me accross the street as far as i recall,we dealt with the guy around 10 minutes before i was near your garage ,if you have proof then post it.
As I described earlier, we are talking about two different times during the incident. I didn't see you standing there for five minutes, if you say you did well it might be true. Patt saw you stand there. But I can't see what Patt sees on his screen. But it begs the question, why did you stand there for five minutes, a question you are not answering. Due to you not having a reason for doing so. So you accused us for contrafarming with no evidence, got som minor, really convoluted evidence of: " I heard it recharge" got your friends to back you up and raided us. Tazing two unarmed at the time players and cuffing us both when we wanted a reasoning

Adding a tag saying something is fact is not evidence. Nor make it true.
You were handcuffed because there was a raid going on that garage not to forget i got shot by imaprice and he went to the garage hiding ,you came out and most reasonably i handcuffed you,any police force in the world does this,after that you chose to break fear rp and getting back to the garage at gun point ,and for me standing there for five minutes,holy shit do you even read ? i think i explained it atleast 10 times,i'm not gonna bother to post it again.
I was not a threat to anyone, I stood there with ImaPrice (Who had just arrived), Unarmed, asking why you where raiding us. Without an explanation you tazed and handcuffed us both. You have no evidence backing up the claim that ImaPrice shot you? No police force randomly taze and handcuff people without solid proof or if the ones they are after are a non-threat. There were two SS and three Officers at the scene, we had no chance of retaliation.
So you come out from a place that the police was going to raid and where armed men shot at police officers,and you except me to let people that go out of that building just like that considering they can be one of the shooters?yeah sure whatever,that said,you still have no evidence on the main accusation of your ban request which is wallbanging.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Warned, not involved.
We already told you Constantine that ImaPrice did not shoot at you, he came when you and your SS friend was banging on our door. You can't accuse him of being the shooter just because he wears a white suit. We have multiple sources saying he didn't.

And yes we have evidence of you partaking in wall banging us. You denying it won't get us anywhere. But what can I expect, no one wants to get banned.

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