Unban request. (Stew)
Your name: Buddhist Stew. Ingame= Robert Smith.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18607898

Banning Admin: Flame

Ban Length: 10 days, i think.

Reason for the ban: Scamming

Why we should unban you: Okay, i had just joined the server, and i went chef. While i started to build a shop, some rebel told me to come to Tides and sell him some food. When i got there, he wanted 15 chinese, and we discussed the price. We both agreed on 4350. 10 seconds went, and he said i should give him hes food. However, i had not recieved the money. He then tazered me, and i got banned.

Buddhist Stew.
I've looked trough the looks just to find Headie giving you the money, he called me cause you didnt gave him the food.

As i wanted to tell you that he gave you the money with a console proof, you ran away.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
(03-13-2011, 04:58 PM)Flame Wrote: I've looked trough the looks just to find Headie giving you the money, he called me cause you didnt gave him the food.

As i wanted to tell you that he gave you the money with a console proof, you ran away.
Well, i surely didn't get a notification about it. Also, i did not see you there.

EDIT: Oh, and isn't ten days a little over the top?
I was actually there with Headie. You scammed him, dude. Just admit it. He gave you the money and you ran away laughing.
(03-13-2011, 05:19 PM)2Deep Wrote: I was actually there with Headie. You scammed him, dude. Just admit it. He gave you the money and you ran away laughing.
Now what the fudge? First of all, i didnt get a popup in right side about recieving money. Second, i didn't "ran away laughing". You were pointing guns at me, and since you seemed very agressive, i decided to leave the place.
Also you just admitted you ran at gunpoint ...
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
(03-13-2011, 05:59 PM)Flame Wrote: Also you just admitted you ran at gunpoint ...

Fine, admitted. But i didn't scam.

Flame lol scamming is an instant permanent ban.
-Signature removed-
.... also didnt knew that.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
Well, consider yourself lucky, Stew. You just got 10 days instead of a permanent ban, don't mess up again.

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