I bought 2 Donater Packs ($20)
Then 4 Money Packs ($10)
The next day, i look to see how much i have on my credit card left...
Then its charging me $70
Im really mad right now.
are you trying to say we scammed you?
because all amounts are clearly stated and we use paypal

Looking at recent records (your donations 3 days ago)
you bought donator status - $10
$250k ingame money - $12.50
This is also posted in the wrong section.
For issues like those, please use the Help & Support section.

As Temar said, the payments are set up that way, so you can in no possible way end up paying $70 if you only ordered this quantity of money packages.
I doubt PayPal charged you for $70 instead of $30, and if PayPal did, contact them, not Fearless.
Wrong section D:
(01-25-2013, 09:09 AM)GhostRider Wrote: I doubt PayPal charged you for $70 instead of $30, and if PayPal, contact them, not Fearless.
user title was put to "one of the elders" by default, and holy shit does that sound extreme
Moved to Help & Support.

As previously stated, our system only bills your PayPal account for the donations you've requested to be processed. Please review your PayPal account transaction history to see what other transactions you might have conducted.
Sorry, DoomDude1 said to put it in this section.

Ok, i understand, sorry.
From the PM you've sent me, seemed like it was a bug.

Send me a clearer one next time, barely understood you Cheese.
Ok, im sorry, it was overdrafted to paypal. They charged me. Sorry, i didnt mean to say that you scammed me. btw, why was i warned? DoomDude1 said to put it under this section.


Ok, sorry DoomDude, i will next time i have a problem.

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