Clans. Used for RP or an excuse for violence.
Serious topic, please stay on it or please don't post.

I've noticed that the trend in clans seems to be Mafia/criminal element, company that says it has a lot of passive areas but mainly only shows it's "protection" or "security" forces, or some form of military, paramilitary, or counter terrorism group.

Most of the clans I see tend to promote violence or use violence to attempt to promote passive RP. The second case usually causes more chaos as victories are short lived. The only clan I've seen that doesn't seem to go out of its way for violence is SAA, though they still get in gunfights every now and then. At least when they are shooting at people it's usually because mingecore crew attacked or raided them. Rarely appears to be clan on clan with them.

I was excited to see Evocity News in the forum but never got to see them in action. Sadly I feel that some of the more violent groups that haven't taken the time to even list themselves on the forum would just attack them for fun.

In the time I've spent on this group I've only applied to one clan and denied three clans that asked me to join up with them. I should say two clans because I think the third was just two or three minges that tend to eat bans anyway.

This being said, I'm giving the clan I applied to a little more time, though I think by now the answer is no. While I wait on them to figure out what they want to do, I'm working on a clan idea of my own incase my app gets rejected.

As for replies to this thread, I'm looking for your opinion on the current state of clan trends overall and if you think it's an aggressive trend or if I'm just missing out on something. This isn't here to call out other clans for being this or that, nor was this intended to attack the current existing clans. I'm sure other clans have a passive side that I just haven't seen, SAA only came up because I've seen them do passive RP.

My current clan idea is to form the Evocity Merchants Guild. A collection of business men and women that work together for mutual profit and the betterment of the city. I would reside as the founder for purposes of overall clan management (the admin aspect of the clan on the forums, aka managing the clan thread) but the actual guild president would be decided by votes from all members and would have a system to allow for leader changing via motions and votes. The clan would work together on prices, business plans, and city events such as faires, boxing matches, fund raisers, concerts and whatever other ideas they wish to bring to the table. We will also have a rent-a-cop section for a system of light security - heavy security. The only time we would use any security other then light would be for celebrities and wealthy investors. The investment system will have to be worked out but my idea for it would be you invest x money for x days of investor benefits. benefits would include taxi service, vechical rentals and a body guard if availible / required, at market cost shopping, exclusive rights to anything availible, and complete confidentiality for all transation, rental, and security services.

Feel free to comment on this clan idea while your at it. Please be respectful at all times to all posters of this thread or I will ask that your post be removed. Thanks for reading, your time, and any feedback given. And please, no pictures of stuff like meme or spiderman. -Jokhah
The following 1 user Likes Old Man Jokhah's post:
  • ilikeballsacks
Quote:My current clan idea is to form the Evocity Merchants Guild. A collection of business men and women that work together for mutual profit and the betterment of the city. I would reside as the founder for purposes of overall clan management (the admin aspect of the clan on the forums, aka managing the clan thread) but the actual guild president would be decided by votes from all members and would have a system to allow for leader changing via motions and votes. The clan would work together on prices, business plans, and city events such as faires, boxing matches, fund raisers, concerts and whatever other ideas they wish to bring to the table. We will also have a rent-a-cop section for a system of light security - heavy security. The only time we would use any security other then light would be for celebrities and wealthy investors. The investment system will have to be worked out but my idea for it would be you invest x money for x days of investor benefits. benefits would include taxi service, vechical rentals and a body guard if availible / required, at market cost shopping, exclusive rights to anything availible, and complete confidentiality for all transation, rental, and security services.
It's called the Kumonryu Trading Guild, and it faded into the very existence of security operations to guard it's interest within the fish market.
You are fighting an uphill battle, take it from one of the guys who ran one of the three trading groups in the fish market... Don't create a clan unless you plan on being violent. That's all clans are pretty much good for at the moment; burning stuff, shooting stuff, and contrafarming stuff.
The following 2 users Like Joey Skylynx's post:
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Yeah, I might drop security from the options. Makes me sound like the other company style clans. When I used the term security I meant like two dudes with glocks and crowbars, fat and afraid to get in a real fight. You know, the shaky rent-a-cop from the movies?
The following 1 user Likes Old Man Jokhah's post:
  • ilikeballsacks
Well, you are right.

Most of the clans are quite aggresive, that why I have picked one that is not.
Security does not instantly mean killing anybody who walks past your place, the security is often for protecting Passive RP situations.

If you'd have a look, Slyfoxes, Multi National United and Estleback Corp are all about developing new science etc.
And I have never seen S.A.A. Agressive RPing either. You just need to make a good decision.

Kind regards,
[Image: mxh.gif]
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The following 2 users Like whoopie's post:
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This is just the reason why i felt i never really was a part of my past clan. For believe it or not im not really that much of a violent person. When most of my past clan mates were out raiding stuff i tried to avoid it by either standing guard at the base or leaving them to do their stuff while i just talk to them or go fish or something. And just because of all the violence within clans is why i created my clan. To prove that criminal clans can be passive in one way or another is why i formed The North Syndicate where clan rule number one is don't start unnecessary fights and always try diplomacy before you do anything that would be able to get you arrested. And the core reason for that is because i wanted to have the old movie like feel of the Mafia. You know where the Mafia mostly try to rule with diplomacy first and if that fails they try to scare their opponents before they even think of shooting them.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

The following 1 user Likes Foxy The Pirate's post:
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Well, EvoCity News is not dead, just temporarily frozen for a simple reason: complexity. The very difference which made us intriguing is the fact we're preparing actual video footing which has to go through several stages before it's released, like a real video recording. Sadly, due to mine and GeorgeTheBoy's current obligations, we don't have enough time to get the ton of material we have in storage ready for the forums. We will be back though Wink.

OT: Don't lose faith... remember that these Aggressive clans do pop up like mushrooms, but again, they get shut down pretty darn quickly, or just fade away into oblivion. I must admit, it's hard finding the right people for your clan, now that the general RP is thinner than water, but give it some time. Form an idea, slowly work on your clan page, give the playerbase time to learn to RP.

Just remember, the small, newer Aggressive clans may look like hot stuff, but they die out. There are three ways of these clans ending:

1) The leader and majority of their members end up getting permanently suspended.

2) They slowly die out since the leaders lose interest.

3) They tangle with one of the "Big Boys" and get squished.

So, all in all, don't lose sleep over the current clan structure of FL, I have faith it will all fix itself in due time.
The following 2 users Like DoomDude1's post:
  • ilikeballsacks, GeorgeTheBoy
Thanks for the feedback so far. I'm going to start working on my clan idea in hopes that I can have it ironed out and wrinkle free over the next month or two. I will make a seperate thread for it when the time is right and it's solid enough to ask for feedback and +/-support on it.

As for the current state of the clans, I'm happy to know it's just a trend and thanks for the clans that came forward to clarify themselves a little bit. Maybe this thread will bring you more like minded people.
The following 1 user Likes Old Man Jokhah's post:
  • ilikeballsacks
Well, for my part, the Multi National United is just starting and we got very serious members.
Our clan promote at 85% Passive RP, and we got a Reputation Points System that means if the members are serious or not. All of them got 10.
So, yes, we are serious. And no, we are not agressive.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
The following 1 user Likes Generation's post:
  • ilikeballsacks
Honestly if you think it is bad now you should have seen clans before. We honestly have it better off in my opinion on this current time. I mean we honestly havent had a full fledged clan war since the SAA - Fumuku War. I mean back in the day clan wars were a usual thing. And the clans were nastier than most of them today. The only difference with today is there isnt really any passive on the one side. While the clans still are just about as aggressive but not towards each other. And if you are looking at the clans of today most of them dont even last for the points the Doom said. There are only a select amount of clans that have made for a while, most of them die off in a couple months if it even takes that long.
The following 1 user Likes Fultz's post:
  • ilikeballsacks
My clan got closed for 'promoting aggressive rp' when I hadn't even rped with my clan or clan members. Also it was mostly a passive clan.

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