Ban Request - ?????
Name of player: I cannot State the name of the player or the steam ID because the user had a Spanish name which I can not spell using my Laptop. I have spoken to Ruxandra who said its still ok to post this because he will go back and check the logs to find the name.

SteamID: N/A

Time in GMT: 11:00am - 1:00pm, 05,01,2013

Server: v2d

Summary: I was walking to KFC to buy some food when I noticed a red car crashed right next to me, (thats when I started recording) He then reversed and CDM me & My friends. (MasterDrake90, Look Behind You... , Kyle Mccole)

You were on the road, You wouldn't have gotten hit if you were on the path...
Looks like an accident to me, you were advancing to the sidewalk and the guy in the car went towards the opposite side of where you were going. Its an accident. This is the third ban request today, I dont see why you have an addiction of getting people banned. You've broken a lot of rules yourself.
people were watching If I carried on recording you would have seen people spamming 'CDM'
It doesn't matter if someone shouts CDM, You were on the road... where cars drive.

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