[pas/agr] The Sotravits Family [CLOSED]
[Image: 353bbe0.jpg]


-a relatively new family that intends to make its mark on history by being one of the most ruthless and feared mafia families in evocity. though they didn't originate in evocity. if you haven't already picked it up in the name, the Sotravits family came from Russia, but the recent crime activity has attracted the Sotravits to evocity in attempts to compete with the rising families and crime organizations in the area and potentially make a name for themselves. they have already been getting down to business involving themselves in recent drug trafficking and raids on the government, as well as underground marketing. the Sotravits Family have many diverse members all with unique skills or attributes. they don't take kindly with disrespect and if cheated they have no problem taking care of someone in public though they prefer to be discrete about it. they have been known to rob a store or do their dealings with silenced sum machine guns, but in less subtle situations they arn't afraid to pull out the big guns. they have no restrictions on weaponry or technology to get what they are after.


the Sotravits Mafia tend to involve themselves in:
-assistants to an individual or another group, for the right price
-political affairs(meeting the pres, attending government parties)
-drug trafficking


-we always use the passive attempt to salve our problems, but after that we will resort straight to heavy violence (going from 0 to 60 if you will)
-if your another group or government, you don't bother us, we wont bother you.
-we don't ally ourselves with other groups, but if you come to us with a problem, we will be glad to help you, for a price, (we do our job good and we ain't cheep)
-we don't have an application, if we see someone with good skill and can follow orders we will send an invitation to join the family via PM.
-WE FOLLOW ALL SERVER RULES and we expect our friends and foes to do the same, especially in raids or other conflicts.


[Image: 24zg22w.jpg]Name-Futilelamb
Weapon-Super 90 shotgun
Specialization-Mafia boss
Motto-nothings impossible

[Image: ixzaew.jpg]Name-PREDITOROFWAR
Motto-takes a warrior to fight
but takes a hero to die

[Image: j81wxu.jpg]Name-FutrStyl
Specialization-good shot
Motto-the ultimate measure
of a man is not where he
stands in time of comfort
or convenience, but where
he stands stands in times of

[Image: 23mr1cm.jpg]Name-Baily92597
Motto-Gorillaz are awesome

we have more members but their player cards are still being compiled

-01/01/13 assisted in the combat against the invasion
YES! first reply XD I think the sotravits are really fun, but not when there are alot of minges :p
Not to sound like an ass, but you may want to check grammar/spelling on your post
It is bad mafia.
Looks good.
Although, you might want to do a little spell-check and play around with some different fonts and text sizes, makes it look more professional.

Good luck with your clan!
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