ShadowZenoX Unban request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: ~ShadowZenoX~

Your ban ID: 19076

Banned by: Ruxandra

Reason: Homophobia apparantly

Involved: Just me

Why we should unban you: Im not homophobia at the time i used the words i used it was because there was a troll mic spamming and breaking nlr and no admin wanted to come so i said some words and apparently that made me "homophobia" i understand why i was banned and i waited a month to make a unban request to understand why i was banned and i hope to be unbanned because this is the only rp server that i ever played on and the only rp server that i love and i will not break any more rules.

Note's This is my 2nd unban request and i understand i cant post anymore after this Sleepy
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Like, i known this guy for long time, he hasn't shown any sign of racism or homofobia, he just jokes around, and sometimes he might offend some people, but he really doesn't mean to offend anyone, please unban him, i've had some good times with him :3
Right. You can't even respect the unban request rules.

Bantime over 3 months - You are allowed to post a 2nd unban request 1 month after the denial.

Your last unban request was made on the 14th of December, roughly two weeks ago. And NO, you will not have your time reduced as this is practically your only chance to pull your things straight.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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