Unban request Fluxior
[b]Your name: Fluxior

[b]Your ban ID: 20366

[b]Banned by: [FL] beflok

[b]Reason: Propblocked a car

[b]Involved: I don't know the names of the people involved

[b]Why we should unban you: I should be unbanned because I admit I blocked the car but i only did it because that other guy blocked my car and I asked him to remove it but he didn't so I blocked his car. Then I got banned and he didn't so I think thats a bit unfair. I know it was a mistake and I will never do it again. If I get unbanned I thank you and I can play happely on the server again.

Regardes Fluxior
Unfortunately if what you say is true you handled it all wrong. If he blocked your car you should have used @ and called it in. Never ever take matters into your own hands.
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I'm sorry that I handled it wrong but I was new to this so I didn't really know how I could do that. So I like to know if i can get another chance.
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