Still not unbanned
Your name: Jack Burgwin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19534039

Banning Admin: SniperWolf

Ban Length: 2 Weeks (This was around early January time and I have since not been unbanned)

Reason for the ban: A guy was prop DMing on the server, I lost a load of stuff when he killed me and so I prop DMed him back. When the admin turned up, the prop DMer disconnected and people on the server told the admin I had been working with the prop DMer to kill everybody which is not true as I only tried to stop him.

Comments: I got angry because I lost all my stuff and I know now I shouldn't have retaliated as it has just made me look bad as him. I have served more than my 2 weeks as punishment, but I have still not been unbanned?

I have had my original unban request approved however I am still not unbanned. I have been banned for over a month now for what was meant to be a 2 week ban. A supposed 2 week ban for stopping a Prop DMer? I'm not familiar with how the bans work here but I think you are being fairly harsh on me.
I'll unban you now.

Although if your ban was only 2 weeks, it's odd that you're still not unbanned.

But yeah, you're unbanned now.

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