Unban -> shorten ban
Your name: Tricky!

Your ban ID: 20230

Banned by: [FL] Adman

Reason: Ban Request 23070 Approved - "Moving his car in a massive prop box; general prop-minging."

Involved: I was the only one involved... i moved my car in a box of PHX props because it was out of fuel. No cars nor players got hit my the box.

Why we should unban you: I think 7 days for moving my car about 500 meters is a littel too mush.. i would be glad for 12-24 hours insted... BTW i dont know where that General prop-minging came from...
ME: What's that you got there?
DEALER: Cake, why?
ME: Do you mind?

You clearly failed to understand our most basic prop rules.

Moving around your car with a huge, poorly constructed metal prop box is where the 'general prop-minging' came from.

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