Regarding racism/homophobia, staff punishments vs player punishments, etc.
Why don't we just ban all bad words, so that nobody ever can get hurt again.
What about all those people getting hurt by the 'F*ck you's' or the 'F*ck off's', Screw you's and the shut the f*ck up's. Because apparently if you hurt someone's feelings here you can receive a nice ban for a week or 2.

Oh and how about words like White trash and Asian and Russian jokes? Are those considered racist?
Making fun of Asians, Russians and white people is ok, but making fun of black people isnt?
The following 3 users Like Biowulf's post:
  • PrivateToast, Jacob1029, Nettles
No. You're clearly not getting my point nor have you even decided to think about the word when it ISN'T used in a friendly manner. Zoom back to the 1950s. Would a black guy say it to another black guy then? No.

Discrimination is discrimination. Deal with it. Whatever context its used in, it always is. Those words were born out of the hell of racists, homophobics, sexists, what-ever. Don't justify them please.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
These are the rules. If you don't like it go find another community that's able to tolerate this kind of language. And you can also be punished in real life because they have something called "Hate-speech" that ranges from a fine to even jail. It's not our fault some people can't hold in their hormones.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Hormones? Lol

Also, hate speech no matter what?
Let me tell you something, I have a black friend IRL, we go to school together, I call him a *** all the time and we both find it freaking hilarious.
It's not hate-speech between friends, times have changed, it isn't the 50's anymore.

My point is obviously that there's a difference, it's the way you use the words.
The following 4 users Like Fleet Admiral Zapington's post:
  • ukpezzzz, Biowulf, Pinky, PrivateToast
Words are words, yes, but they have a meaning.

To be a part of the Fearless community, you must follow our simply set of rules, regardless of if you like it or not.
Or just add a warning on the server or a rule..
[Image: contains-strong-language.jpg][Image: CERO_strong_language.png]

If im playing a game no matter what game if it's just Online and if they start to use Strong Language towards me I just Ignore it
It's Internet Comon...
But our Community, has his rules no racism etc.
So everyone should listen to them.
Personally I think people shouldn't be so freakin' soft and get offended by words, that often aren't even meant to offend. However we still have rules about them for a reason, so we should all follow them without arguments Smile
(12-04-2012, 08:59 PM)Biowulf Wrote: Making fun of Asians, Russians and white people is ok, but making fun of black people isnt?

Well thats probably because we white people treated these black people like animals. We hanged them,we bullied them for looking at white person, we tarred and feathered them, we sold them like dogs and made them do work.
Thank God the US had the civil war to stop slavery. Black people still remember that shit and I think it will be hard to forget. Its ridiculous that some people have the urge to call someone a n**** when their ancestors hung their ancestors for the color of their skin. But that is why making fun of black people is not ok.
(12-04-2012, 07:55 PM)PrivateToast Wrote:
(12-04-2012, 04:31 PM)StillAlive Wrote:
(12-04-2012, 04:23 PM)PrivateToast Wrote: It just words...

Actually, that's not right.
Words have a meaning and so does everything behind them. I sure hope you realize that or else you're really going to have a bad time.
Those people who find the words offensive why are they even on the internet then...

Some people like to be social, they don't have to hear these words, they can just chat to friends.
Ill come back to FL one day. I know it for sure.

And when this time comes, there will be no favouritism, no 'upper class' members or any of that shit. I do look forward to it.
[Image: source.gif]

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