Ban request on Jokhah
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) Jokhah

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?) STEAM_0:1:14131954

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) In the European morning

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) V2d

Summary: (What happened?) I saw Jokhah holding a gun at the nexus garage. I then started recording (knowing that he'd break fearRP), which caused my game to lag extremely for some reason. Anyways, I succeed in succumbing the lag, and pulled out my weapon. The video then clearly shows him breaking FearRP.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Please note: Check back in 30 minutes, video is currently being uploaded. Video up.

Thank you!

EDIT:Forgot to say, in the end of the video I hear AK shooting from inside the Nexus, so I therefore abandon him and go down the elevator. What the video doesn't show is then him running after me and shooting me with his MP5 (the one which I saw him holding). Anyways, fearRP is still CLEARLY being broken.
(12-03-2012, 12:30 PM)Verenikin Wrote: Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) Jokhah

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?) STEAM_0:1:14131954

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) In the European morning

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) V2d

Summary: (What happened?) I saw Jokhah holding a gun at the nexus garage. I then started recording (knowing that he'd break fearRP), which caused my game to lag extremely for some reason. Anyways, I succeed in succumbing the lag, and pulled out my weapon. The video then clearly shows him breaking FearRP.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Please note: Check back in 30 minutes, video is currently being uploaded.

Thank you!

EDIT:Forgot to say, in the end of the video I hear AK shooting from inside the Nexus, so I therefore abandon him and go down the elevator. What the video doesn't show is then him running after me and shooting me with his MP5 (the one which I saw him holding). Anyways, fearRP is still CLEARLY being broken.

This issue was already addressed in game, as you would remember by Salinsky. I was ported to you, as was another guy. The other guy ended up being banned. The reason I ended up backing up was to check out Rimmy's car. So seeing as the issue was already handled by salinsky in game, now your posting a ban request? And when I was pulled to you by the mod, you stated your case, and I was ported back after stating mine. That would mean that judgement was already given. On a side note I had the MP5 out point at the mobsters that went into the nexus garage cause they had weapons and even sent a request to the government telling them the mob went inside over a minute before they fired their ak's. So maybe if you were reading your radio instead of stalking me because of what happened earlier when you attempted to arrest me and were killed by a rebel and I escaped, you would have been all over the mob instead of battling with me. One of the rebels that saved me after you used the same tactic of pointing a gun at them telling them to get out and calling an admin. I think if it wasn't resolved by the support team in game you should post a BR, but seeing as you don't like the result of the support team in game you choose to bring it here. P.S. till you shot my car I didn't even notice you as you can tell in the video that I wasn't even looking at you. when you roll up, in your video, you can see I was sending my request to the gov, and I was trying to see rimmy's car. same reason nothing happened to me in game, when I realized you were stopping me I stopped.
(12-03-2012, 01:38 PM)Jokhah Wrote:
(12-03-2012, 12:30 PM)Verenikin Wrote: Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) Jokhah

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?) STEAM_0:1:14131954

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) In the European morning

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) V2d

Summary: (What happened?) I saw Jokhah holding a gun at the nexus garage. I then started recording (knowing that he'd break fearRP), which caused my game to lag extremely for some reason. Anyways, I succeed in succumbing the lag, and pulled out my weapon. The video then clearly shows him breaking FearRP.

Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Please note: Check back in 30 minutes, video is currently being uploaded.

Thank you!

EDIT:Forgot to say, in the end of the video I hear AK shooting from inside the Nexus, so I therefore abandon him and go down the elevator. What the video doesn't show is then him running after me and shooting me with his MP5 (the one which I saw him holding). Anyways, fearRP is still CLEARLY being broken.

This issue was already addressed in game, as you would remember by Salinsky. I was ported to you, as was another guy. The other guy ended up being banned. The reason I ended up backing up was to check out Rimmy's car. So seeing as the issue was already handled by salinsky in game, now your posting a ban request? And when I was pulled to you by the mod, you stated your case, and I was ported back after stating mine. That would mean that judgement was already given. On a side note I had the MP5 out point at the mobsters that went into the nexus garage cause they had weapons and even sent a request to the government telling them the mob went inside over a minute before they fired their ak's. So maybe if you were reading your radio instead of stalking me because of what happened earlier when you attempted to arrest me and were killed by a rebel and I escaped, you would have been all over the mob instead of battling with me. One of the rebels that saved me after you used the same tactic of pointing a gun at them telling them to get out and calling an admin. I think if it wasn't resolved by the support team in game you should post a BR, but seeing as you don't like the result of the support team in game you choose to bring it here. P.S. till you shot my car I didn't even notice you as you can tell in the video that I wasn't even looking at you. when you roll up, in your video, you can see I was sending my request to the gov, and I was trying to see rimmy's car. same reason nothing happened to me in game, when I realized you were stopping me I stopped.

Listen, pal. I requested for a moderator, but for totally different reasons. You breaking FearRP was (as I remember) NOT discussed with the moderator. We discussed you and/or some other rebel killing me over arresting a different rebel.

I am notifying Salisnky of this, lets hear his side of the story. Once again, I may be wrong, but I don't believe your FearRP breakage was discussed.
I didn't see exactly what had happened therefore no sanctions were handed out.
Please note: I asked you guys kindly to apologize to eachother to prevent further flaming/grudges etcetera.

Also note that Verenikin has every right what so ever to post a banrequest on you, being that I couldn't properly judge the situation due to me not being there to see it happen.

Kind regards,
Salinsky - Server Moderation Team.
Thanks for your reply Salinsky. Regardless of that fact, it stands that I didn't see you at that time, it shows in your video that I was sending a request to the government that the mob was attacking nexus which is why I had a gun out near the garage door which had closed just prior to your video. I stopped when you shot my car. I backed up to look at my friends car. I still believe that your looking for a reason to get me banned due to prior event when you got killed so that I can be rescued as you also were stalking bloops. I didn't hear you over mic, also explainable due to someone else being louder then you. When I stopped I was trying to find out what was going on and why you wanted me out of my car and you took off into nexus due to gunfire. The after effect of you dying which isn't in your video stems from me not getting an explaination as to why I was stoped and fired upon, so being a rebel who had prior escaped from arrest, I took you out so that when I left I wouldn't have you shooting my car some more. Speaking of that, when I play a police officer and someone runs, I tend to chase them down, not shoot their car and potentially kill them. Pretty sure shooting at cars that run from you is defined in the rules as not a good idea, I'll look again through the rules to ensure that I am correct in this statement. I apologize for not noticing you, as you didn't notice that I was reporting the mob was attacking you. I'm not sorry for killing you for shooting me.

After looking through the rules, there is no actual stated rule in this forum about not shooting cars to stop them as a cop. Maybe I just find it to be a good roleplay guideline to pursue people who attempt to run from me as a cop rather then resorting to what should be my last option. Then again maybe you have your reasons. Personally I love a good police chase and most of them in my experience don't end in violence.
(12-03-2012, 04:35 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Thanks for your reply Salinsky. Regardless of that fact, it stands that I didn't see you at that time, it shows in your video that I was sending a request to the government that the mob was attacking nexus which is why I had a gun out near the garage door which had closed just prior to your video. I stopped when you shot my car. I backed up to look at my friends car. I still believe that your looking for a reason to get me banned due to prior event when you got killed so that I can be rescued as you also were stalking bloops. I didn't hear you over mic, also explainable due to someone else being louder then you. When I stopped I was trying to find out what was going on and why you wanted me out of my car and you took off into nexus due to gunfire. The after effect of you dying which isn't in your video stems from me not getting an explaination as to why I was stoped and fired upon, so being a rebel who had prior escaped from arrest, I took you out so that when I left I wouldn't have you shooting my car some more. Speaking of that, when I play a police officer and someone runs, I tend to chase them down, not shoot their car and potentially kill them. Pretty sure shooting at cars that run from you is defined in the rules as not a good idea, I'll look again through the rules to ensure that I am correct in this statement. I apologize for not noticing you, as you didn't notice that I was reporting the mob was attacking you. I'm not sorry for killing you for shooting me.

After looking through the rules, there is no actual stated rule in this forum about not shooting cars to stop them as a cop. Maybe I just find it to be a good roleplay guideline to pursue people who attempt to run from me as a cop rather then resorting to what should be my last option. Then again maybe you have your reasons. Personally I love a good police chase and most of them in my experience don't end in violence.

I have not been stalking anyone, and unless you have actual evidence of this, I suggest you stop spreading lies.

Now, if watching the video closely, it shows that you only type three words into that request. You then proceed to to back up, I fire a WARNING SHOT into the air, and you refuse to get out. I then proceed to the Nexus after hearing gunfire.

You clearly broke fearRP, and plus, there wouldn't be much of a chase, seeing as I was on foot. I fired a warning shot into the air.

I'm not planning on flaming on you or anything, but I also wrote in the chat "OUT". Surely you would have seen that?

I think you're lying, and I'm requesting the admin team to review this request and make a decision.
I accept that you think I'm lying. I think you are too. Doesn't make either of us right though. I didn't say take your request down. Salinsky posted that your allowed to do that and it's your right. However several people have already asked me about this BR and said that it looks like BS. Some of the people that said that I don't even know. I'm not concerned. By your video it looks like I broke the rule. I wasn't recording so I can't show you my screen. Just like I missed your chat, you also missed mine about me letting your team know the mob was attacking, hence you were surprised that there was gunfire. Funny that I missed reading what you wrote and you missed reading what I wrote, proving the point that not everyone is paying attention the whole time now doesn't it.

But while we're trying to prove things and calling each other liars. You said that I was called for a completely different issue. That was a lie. I was called to you on TWO occasions. Once at the nexus door for when you were killed during my rescue. The second time I was called shortly after killing right after your video and you said "and after I came back that guy killed me with an mp5." The other guy killed you with a knife prior. Just adding facts. Where did he kill you with the knife anyway, cause your NLR wasn't up and if it was near that area you would have been breaking NLR and this whole situation could have been avoided. The knife guy was banned by Ruxandra for 7 days.
(12-03-2012, 06:06 PM)Jokhah Wrote: I accept that you think I'm lying. I think you are too. Doesn't make either of us right though. I didn't say take your request down. Salinsky posted that your allowed to do that and it's your right. However several people have already asked me about this BR and said that it looks like BS. Some of the people that said that I don't even know. I'm not concerned. By your video it looks like I broke the rule. I wasn't recording so I can't show you my screen. Just like I missed your chat, you also missed mine about me letting your team know the mob was attacking, hence you were surprised that there was gunfire. Funny that I missed reading what you wrote and you missed reading what I wrote, proving the point that not everyone is paying attention the whole time now doesn't it.

But while we're trying to prove things and calling each other liars. You said that I was called for a completely different issue. That was a lie. I was called to you on TWO occasions. Once at the nexus door for when you were killed during my rescue. The second time I was called shortly after killing right after your video and you said "and after I came back that guy killed me with an mp5." The other guy killed you with a knife prior. Just adding facts. Where did he kill you with the knife anyway, cause your NLR wasn't up and if it was near that area you would have been breaking NLR and this whole situation could have been avoided. The knife guy was banned by Ruxandra for 7 days.

Firstly, this has nothing to do with me being killed with no or very vauge reasons three times, by you, and by others. What it has something to do with is you breaking fearRP. I'm not going to discuss any unrelated events with you, but if you feel that I have broken the rules, nothing prevents you from making a ban request on me.

May I also state that when I pointed my gun at you, my NLR timer went to five minutes (which ment I could return to my place of death). I was not within NLR range before that (I was spawnkilled, so obviously I ran out of spawn as soon as I spawned, but that's a whole different story).

Once again, I feel as if you're avoiding the actual subject. I also feel as if this subject has been discussed enough times over, and that its time for an administrator to make a decision.
(12-03-2012, 04:35 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Thanks for your reply Salinsky. Regardless of that fact, it stands that I didn't see you at that time, it shows in your video that I was sending a request to the government that the mob was attacking nexus which is why I had a gun out near the garage door which had closed just prior to your video. I stopped when you shot my car. I backed up to look at my friends car. I still believe that your looking for a reason to get me banned due to prior event when you got killed so that I can be rescued as you also were stalking bloops. I didn't hear you over mic, also explainable due to someone else being louder then you. When I stopped I was trying to find out what was going on and why you wanted me out of my car and you took off into nexus due to gunfire. The after effect of you dying which isn't in your video stems from me not getting an explaination as to why I was stoped and fired upon, so being a rebel who had prior escaped from arrest, I took you out so that when I left I wouldn't have you shooting my car some more. Speaking of that, when I play a police officer and someone runs, I tend to chase them down, not shoot their car and potentially kill them. Pretty sure shooting at cars that run from you is defined in the rules as not a good idea, I'll look again through the rules to ensure that I am correct in this statement. I apologize for not noticing you, as you didn't notice that I was reporting the mob was attacking you. I'm not sorry for killing you for shooting me.

After looking through the rules, there is no actual stated rule in this forum about not shooting cars to stop them as a cop. Maybe I just find it to be a good roleplay guideline to pursue people who attempt to run from me as a cop rather then resorting to what should be my last option. Then again maybe you have your reasons. Personally I love a good police chase and most of them in my experience don't end in violence.

Read this quote. This is from the same thread and is clearly not avoiding the issue. The posts following that are because you decided to say I'm lying. I'm not but your going to say I am. As for your "warning" shot, you were lagging pretty bad and I know I was missing HP. Weather or not it was from you exactly I don't know. However you fired, I was no longer at 100 hp so that tells me that it was most likely you that hit my car. As for me and other people RDMing you, I didn't RDM you. I killed you cause you shot, I took damage, only three people near by and only 1 had a gun out, you. So after you fired, I took damage, I stopped moving and looked and saw you. I was trying to sort out why you did that and you ran off towards the nexus garage before I had time, your video doesn't show me getting out of the car. Promise I did do that and you should know, I ended up killing you. As for the other people RDMing you, I don't know who or why, much less do I care. You may or may not have done something do take the random out of it. I stated my case very clearly. I'm allowed to reply to any and all accusations on a ban request directed at me so please stop trying to say you want a reply from them. They will do that when they get the time. I don't like being called a liar and once you started slinging that around, I started pointing stuff out. At least when I said I thought you were lying I had something factual to back it up.
(12-03-2012, 07:15 PM)Jokhah Wrote:
(12-03-2012, 04:35 PM)Jokhah Wrote: Thanks for your reply Salinsky. Regardless of that fact, it stands that I didn't see you at that time, it shows in your video that I was sending a request to the government that the mob was attacking nexus which is why I had a gun out near the garage door which had closed just prior to your video. I stopped when you shot my car. I backed up to look at my friends car. I still believe that your looking for a reason to get me banned due to prior event when you got killed so that I can be rescued as you also were stalking bloops. I didn't hear you over mic, also explainable due to someone else being louder then you. When I stopped I was trying to find out what was going on and why you wanted me out of my car and you took off into nexus due to gunfire. The after effect of you dying which isn't in your video stems from me not getting an explaination as to why I was stoped and fired upon, so being a rebel who had prior escaped from arrest, I took you out so that when I left I wouldn't have you shooting my car some more. Speaking of that, when I play a police officer and someone runs, I tend to chase them down, not shoot their car and potentially kill them. Pretty sure shooting at cars that run from you is defined in the rules as not a good idea, I'll look again through the rules to ensure that I am correct in this statement. I apologize for not noticing you, as you didn't notice that I was reporting the mob was attacking you. I'm not sorry for killing you for shooting me.

After looking through the rules, there is no actual stated rule in this forum about not shooting cars to stop them as a cop. Maybe I just find it to be a good roleplay guideline to pursue people who attempt to run from me as a cop rather then resorting to what should be my last option. Then again maybe you have your reasons. Personally I love a good police chase and most of them in my experience don't end in violence.

Read this quote. This is from the same thread and is clearly not avoiding the issue. The posts following that are because you decided to say I'm lying. I'm not but your going to say I am. As for your "warning" shot, you were lagging pretty bad and I know I was missing HP. Weather or not it was from you exactly I don't know. However you fired, I was no longer at 100 hp so that tells me that it was most likely you that hit my car. As for me and other people RDMing you, I didn't RDM you. I killed you cause you shot, I took damage, only three people near by and only 1 had a gun out, you. So after you fired, I took damage, I stopped moving and looked and saw you. I was trying to sort out why you did that and you ran off towards the nexus garage before I had time, your video doesn't show me getting out of the car. Promise I did do that and you should know, I ended up killing you. As for the other people RDMing you, I don't know who or why, much less do I care. You may or may not have done something do take the random out of it. I stated my case very clearly. I'm allowed to reply to any and all accusations on a ban request directed at me so please stop trying to say you want a reply from them. They will do that when they get the time. I don't like being called a liar and once you started slinging that around, I started pointing stuff out. At least when I said I thought you were lying I had something factual to back it up.

Firstly, in my opinion, you are indeed lying, and I don't see ANYTHING but your words that can back you up, while I on the other hand have video evidence.

I never said that you weren't allowed to post here, but I'm not planning on discussing this with you further. I will be awaiting a reply from the the administrative team, its their decision after all.

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