Whats your longest time connecting to fearless?
Title says all.

My longest so far is 3 Hours 47 Minutes and 22 Seconds...and when I connected I got " Server full! " So make that 4 hours. xD ....... Well ill crawl back into my corner now. watching anime.... Sao ftw.
[Image: 9lQ10sX.png]
updated 1/24/2020
Damn... That sucks to hear.
We definitely need to figure out some sort of fix.
Mine is about 25 mintues.

Edit: I'm a derp.
Ghost, I think he means the longest time taken to actually connect; as in waiting to get in.
Lol, too long.
Nuff' said.
[Image: 9lQ10sX.png]
updated 1/24/2020
To be honest, 15 minutes Tounge I still feel its a long time waiting. But with the auto mouse click program, it doesn't take too long. Tounge
im going to enable the queue again for another try, 5 mins this time to make it easier
i think my longest is 2 hours. but when it takes long time to connect i just pop over to my mac and watch some one piece or doctor who Tounge
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

1H 42M

Pretty long XD

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