Ban Request for Nukkel Nuk Nuk
Name of player: Nukkel Nuk Nuk

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25713141

Time in GMT: 1:30 GMT

Server: V2D

Summary: Prop pushing a tazed body
Overdex witnessed the prop pushing
Guvno was the victim

"Time You Enjoy Wasting is Not Wasted Time"
[Image: 76561198009735389.png]
What about toast? Bread's already been baked.

To me it looks like he was trying to move him out of the road so he wouldn't get ran over, Still it's not the best way to move someone. I'd like to here his verdict.
I did this because he woundlt be ran over, if i really wanted to kill him, i putted a dumpter on his head. I am sorry if this was against the rules. I just dindt want him to die and rp is fucked.
It isn't the best way, Don't use props to move rag dolls of the street; Your actions had good intentions but it's not the way to deal with it. Ask them to move onto the path way; Although if they resist then if you have to taze them, I'm sure cars will stop or go around you if they see a cop on the road.
Well not really, cuz when i tazed someone on the streats i get instant cdmed >.<
Denied, intentions weren't malicious.

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