Ban Request: Moviair
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
10 mins before this was posted
Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Summary: (What happened?)
Moviair is a major minge, he has rdmed, broke nlr, random raid as an unemployed.. did all the bad stuff but no one was able to get evidence.. He was smooth criminal. But today, when i was playing, i saw him walking into my base. i suspected something, so i started recording. I caught him random molotoving my base as a bmd on video. Smile
Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
#2 for 4 hours he was raiding me as unemployed with a security guard.
That guys raid always with jobs who arent allowed to raid...
maybe i get banned but a get pay for it (1500$ for a working moletovs so i think it was rp) i sell moletov to 1300 and 200 more i need to threw and it is not rp?
maybe you get me but i will not try to get ban again last time i get ban was it on 28 days. i will not said it is ok. D:
and i have alltime have a reason to raid or kill a guy. (maybe not for the guy walk in the fire in a figth).
i have a car and it is out for the nlr zone i coming and take it and leave(i have read the guide).
may you not raid as unemployed all people said unemployed need a way to get money like robbery and a robbery on evo is a raid.

sry for bad English
(11-19-2012, 06:30 PM)marcelboz Wrote: for 4 hours he was raiding me as unemployed with a security guard.
That guys raid always with jobs who arent allowed to raid...

i have pay i security guard some money and you may raid as unemployed and reason
admin may i not raid like a unemployed said it and choose it alot said you may.
yeah but you CANT raid as unemployed you have to be rebel or corleone to raid... and you alwas raid as bmd or something
(11-19-2012, 07:54 PM)marcelboz Wrote: yeah but you CANT raid as unemployed you have to be rebel or corleone to raid... and you alwas raid as bmd or something

and admin need to ask bcz i have see admins raid as unemployed and admin said nothing to me when a person has propblock and i pm him
I do not believe that the rules state that raiding as a unemployed citizen is banned. I might be wrong through.
This was the corleone base and we were having a firefight with the police. Moviair came in as a bmd and started throwing molotov cocktails at our base defences. He had no reason to raid at all.
i have not reason to raid, i was not raiding. i get buy to throwing moles and a group on 3 pay me. and raid you

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