GUESS WHO IS BACK (for only a weekend :/)
OKAY so my dad still has not got internet. People close to me on FL would know I sometimes use my phone as a hot spot but it does not have enough data to play on FL.

Anyway, I am at my mothers this weekend and guess what that means.....

Sadly, I'm not sure if you can get on the servers. They are filled up most of the time

But welcome back anyways!
Welcome back, sir.
Ahh well welcome back!

If only for a weekend. Tounge
Welcome back girl.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
(11-17-2012, 01:26 PM)Flaminator Wrote: Content removed by administrator
that was f* disturbing.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
He is banned now, he shared all of his porn stuff on the forum
Welcome back buddy !!

BTW : I think he got hacked.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Welcome back.
Welcome back... for the weekend!

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