Alright fuck it.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Tired of this server, i would like to donate but another 24 ban because i was getting spawn killed. There was a raid at the nexus and when i respawned i went out and got shot AGAIN. How can that be NLR if i get spawn killed?
Admin dindt even talk with me NOOOOOOOOOOOO I LIKE TO BAN PEOPLE!!! Cheese CheeseCheese FUCK YOU ADMIN! FUCK YOU. I am talking to contact with people oocly. But people are just SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING in the mic. I cant understand SHIT! So how can i NLR if its my spawn point where i got shot?

Shit server.
Cheese Love you

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
You're condused. You should post it in the Courthouse ssection, not here.
Regardless if you're getting spawn killed, call an admin or take pictures/record video to get him banned. Getting them banned is a much better way to make them learn a lesson than you killing them back. Plus it will prevent you from getting banned in the future.

No more rage threads, make an unban request or talk to the administrator involved.
User banned.

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