Hello Everyone
Hello everyone my name is Alex and i am 13. ive been playing this server for a while now and i just created an account so yippie. i wanted to make an account to get to know you all Cheese[/align]

i dont understand the whole donation thing can someone help
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community Alex, I'm sure you'll enjoy you time here.
If you have any queries, feel free to hit me up with a PM.

About donations, it tends to be pretty straightforward, just click the Donate link at the top of the page and fill out your details. Make sure you're not on the server when you donate or the automatic processing won't work.
Good hi ,mate.
Hey Alex, welcome to the Fearless community!
I recommend you the read the Rules and to look into the Guides.
I hope you'll have good time here. See you on the servers. Smile
Hello Alex. Welcome to the Fearless community.
I am sure you will have lots of fun and make many new friends.
I am 13 as well.
Welcome to Fearless!

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