[Guide] Musician/DJ
How to be a good DJ RPer

Being a DJ/Musician is one of my favorite RP's but it must be done with in the rules of Fearless.

There are many different ways this can be RP'd I will discuss some of the most common ways and some of my own.

Street musician:
As a street musician you must be careful where you set up. Of course you will need to find a place in the city. The most popular place is outside BP but you must make sure the owner of BP allows you to play outside. If you do not have permission this is considered mic spamming and is against the rules As a street musician you may play instrumental music and or sing, this is not written in the rules but you will not see a street musician with a laptop blasting out dubstep. If you are willing to actually sing please make sure you can actually sing but that's great and you will get the most attention that way. If you are just wanting to play something of the internet make sure it is clear and you have a nice mic, if you don't DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS RP! There is nothing worse than music played horribly through a crappy mic. Lay out a box for donations but do not ask for them, and just make sure to play continuous similar styles of music to make it realistic (e.g. a man holding a guitar playing dubstep = wrong)
[Image: RcBoC.jpg]
Club DJ
This RP should never be attempted on the streets! make sure you have your own building which is clearly labelled as a club e.g. the boutique in v2. This is where you can play more upbeat music such as Dubstep but again make sure your mic is playing the music with good quality! Set up a dance floor and keep your self stationary behind an object such as a table with a computer on it. Another thing to note is that you should keep your music to a genre like all other musician type RP's do not play some liquid bass and then swap to heyayayayaya. You should not ask for donations but instead have a doorman who controls the flow of people into the club and also asks for the entry fee e.g. $25. This RP can be taken much further by adding barmen and dancers e.t.c. Make sure you look the part as the DJ by wearing something 'cool' like a white suit with no tie.
[Image: jURUW.jpg]

Opera singer:
As an Opera singer you must stick to very vocal opera songs such as Pavarotti or some dramatic music in games e.g. I played Hitman bloodmoney songs such as curtains-down which went down well especially with StillAlive! Your performances must be very formal e.g. suits only and only the important people may attend (e.g. President) for this you need little else than a mic, stand and suit as you are probable not going to have a full band to play for you! You could also advertise yourself for private meetings such as a Presidential dinner to go and sing just for the guests!
[Image: jRoS7.jpg]

To outline the general rules:
Make sure you are allowed to play where you plan to.
Have a good mic.
Do not spam your mic, and leave if you are not welcome where you are playing!
Do not change the genre of your music.
Do not talk while performing because you shouldn't be able to.
If you are not actually singing IRL make it look like you are IG.
Have spawn or build props like the phx_guitar to make it look more realistic!
Do not ask for donations but say thank you when they are given AFTER your performance!
If you are making no money, change where you are playing to somewhere else.
And most of all enjoy!
The following 1 user Likes Callos's post:
  • Von Tempski
Pretty nice explanation of the DJ RP shown here, Callos.
In the future I'll tell failRP DJ's to take a look on this guide. There a quite a lot of people who could be of use of this knowledge.

Thread approved Smile
I have been doing this also Cheese funniest rp ever! ofc mostly playing street musician and DJ.
I've seen alot of people doing the same but they have never cared for any of theese "rules" sadly Sad.

biggest thumbs up ever! wish you good luck with the music Cheese
Thank you Still and Raccoon for your supportive comments. I am now planning to integrate many of these RP ideas into an Uber Thread!
And so a guide writer was born.
An interesting guide, definitely an area that could use it. Wink
Nice guide. I agree with Adman, currently, Muscician/DJ's should be improved (no offence). This guide should clear it up and improve role play on the server. This can make the difference between 'Microphone Spam' and actually using your microphone correctly.

I will probably use this guide. If my microphone actually worked :/
I took a swing at the street musician rp today, using my actual guitar. It turned out quite well, in fact we had a new years party at the bp and I was the entertainment Smile.
The following 1 user Likes Criks's post:
  • Callos
Well-written guide, odd how i've never seen it until now.
What is a good way to broadcast the music at high quality? Is there a certain program I could use?
[Image: QAlZlgi.png]
Pretty sure Virtual Audio Cable is the best choice.

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