Herrow, Guys.
Hello. My name is Erik and i'm 16 years old. I really like to RP and build stuff. When i play on the server I usually work as Cop because I like to help troubled civilians.

Likes: RP'ing, A safe society(in-game) and Team Fortress 2 :3
Dislikes: Minges, Douches and common game ruiners.

I usually play on the v33x server, so maybe i meet you guys there Cheese
"Here lies Scout. He ran fast and died a virgin" - Spy
Welcome to the Fearless community. I hope you will enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions feel free to ask me either in game or here on the forums. Anyway welcome to the community and i hope you will enjoy your stay here.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Hello samon, have a good time on FL, i might see you in-game (i play v2d), so, yeah, hi!
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Hey Erik, It's nice to see people who likes to RP.
If you have any qeustion feel free to send me a PM.
See you on the servers! Smile
Hello Erik. Welcome to the world of Fearless.

Before you start roleplaying, there's a few things you might want to read. If you're not familiar with roleplaying, or you just need some more knowledge about how it's done, I suggest you read the official Guide to Roleplaying, you should also make sure that you have read the rules.

I suggest you pay a visit to the Help & Support section to find more basic information about such things as binds and prices.
Remember to become an active member of the community, you can make a lot of friends and have loads of fun here at Fearless.

I hope you're going to enjoy your time here, as we're certainly going to enjoy having you here.
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community Erik, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. Wink
Hello, Erik!
Welcome to the Fearless Community!
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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