Unban Request for xCrazyChoco_
Unban Request For xCrazyChoco_

Your name: xCrazyChoco

Your ban ID: 16575

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: Exploiting blacklisted props.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I cannot spawn blacklisted probs, so why I'm banned ?
I Agree with him, he cant spawn Blacklisted props, so why is he banned.
And its not normal that 16 players are banned in 1 night for the same Reason coz of a Serverside bug o.O
Sure, they are allowed to spawn normally blacklisted props and what do they do? They spam the crap out of the barrels and cause mayhem.

Unban request denied, wait your time and next time think again before trying to cause mayhem on the server.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Allow 24 hours for the banned person to reply.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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First, Thanks to Soul for reopen this.

Now my answer,
Ruxandra i really think its unpossible to spawn blacklisted props but,
Im sorry for spawning blacklisted props, but me and my friend only builded a base with the Fences where you able to look trough when you put a Material on it coz we tought it was unbanned. And if you banned me for spawning a Barrel, i only spawned it for Testing coz a other Player "spammed" it and if i killed someone with it im sorry. I hope you can understand me i thought it was Unbanned.

You spammed over 30 of those barrels otherwise I would have ignored you completely. How can you explain this?
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
-_- i only spawned 1 barrel. It could be possible that i destroyed 30 coz i shoot on the Barrels of the other guy coz i wanted him to stop to spamm it. I only spammed the Fences with the Stacker to build my Base.

Logs have shown you spawning over 30-40 barrels, there is no use of lying. 24 hours passed and the unban request can be closed.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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