Hello folks, very nice to meet you. Figured I might as well sign up for this here forum thing. I play a rather large amount of City RP (thank you very much for hosting such excellent servers btb Fearless), and I thought it would be good to keep in the loop. I look forward to seeing you folks in Gmod.

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:43350482&b=13]
Hello and welcome to the forums! I'm not sure if i've seen you in-game but i guess i'll Smile
I hope you'll have a good time hear , nice to meet you.
The following 1 user Likes GhostRider's post:
  • The Prince Langers
Hello and welcome to our community!

Hope you have fun both in-game and on the forums.

I'll be seeing you on the servers!
The following 1 user Likes DoomDude1's post:
  • The Prince Langers
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community.

It makes me glad to see you've hopped on the forums, they're an extremely useful resource untapped by many.

If you have any queries regarding rules or roleplay, feel free to hit me up with a PM.

Otherwise, I shall see you in-game. Wink
Welcome to the Fearless Community!

If you need any help with keeping yourself safe from getting banned, just hit me up, boy.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Welcome and have a great time!
[Image: Fearless.png]
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