master105s cityRP unban
Your name: master105
[b]Your ban ID: i dont know that where can i find that

[b]Banned by:

Reason: for accidently killing the president when getting my car unstuck whenthe car went flying by accident and killed him. and i said i was sorry and was banned

Involved:griffin horner(president) i was also on skype with him when it happened

Why we should unban you: Because it was a complete accident and i freaked out saying sorry and griffin said it was ok and i was then banned.
I didn't even know you propkilled anyone.
I would of thought of unbanning you, if you would just of apologized, but when you are your friends go ahead and start lying I'm not in for an unban.

You proppushed random cars that were not yours almost half way up the nexus several times, it was not an accident.
(10-31-2012, 06:33 PM)Zzzzap Wrote: I didn't even know you propkilled anyone.
I would of thought of unbanning you, if you would just of apologized, but when you are your friends go ahead and start lying I'm not in for an unban.

You proppushed random cars that were not yours almost half way up the nexus several times, it was not an accident.

here if you have a skype friend grifflypuff and trevorhollinger on skype and my car was ontop of that white car so i had to move the trabant in order to get my car unstuck. i am sorry i will stop proppushing i was just trying to get my copcar unstuck. Please this is my favorite server.
Your ban was justified, your actions were not anywhere near necessary and was a completely idiotic thing to do. You bought many people in danger.


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