There is no RP
Important. This is me being sick and tired of being treated like a piece of meat. If you want to ban me for this post, go ahead. I know this is a dictatorship and all online communities are. But, I know that you will get my message and that is more important to me then posting again. Please read the entire thing before posting.

We should all realize something. There is no such thing as real RP on Perp, DarkRP, or AppleJack servers. There is semi-RP which involves the mafia raiding people for their goods, people selling stuff on the side of the street, protecting the president, and other small RP events like that.

Every raid that happens is done because of trying to acquire contraband, or just for the sake of raiding. This happens 99 percent of the time and everyone raids for this reason. No one ever raids because of feuds or some major RP reason that is filled with rich story and history. The whole reason people base is so that they can make money from their contraband and to defend their stuff from others. Why is this? Because Gmod is filled with people that want to do stuff like this.

I don't care if you think that this is not how it SHOULD be, but this is in fact how it is. Another fact is that most people seem to enjoy playing this way. The gamemode is structured to contrawhore to get the best cars and weapons. Why give us so many options for cars and weapons if the game was truly about RP? Don't blame the players for playing this way, blame who ever made the gamemode. Also, if we we're really meant to RP, then why is the server's owner constantly running around blasting his mic? Again, I don't disagree with this, I just don't see why admins are banning for it.

So, I will move on from this point. Remembering everything I just said, including the fact that if you make a base, you will get raided, why are people, including me, getting banned for playing the game the way it was designed to. I am the type of person that usually sits in a base and prints money. I usually get raided by a random person within 30 minutes and have fun defending my money. I decided today to go on the offense for the first time and steal someone else's money and I immediately without even being talked to get banned by Ruxandra. She made no effort to talk to me and see if the raid was random, or have any kind of communication. I didn't even have anything to do with the raid besides entering the house as soon as my friend lock picked the door.

As a personal message to Ruxandra, it's nice to see that your ability to be an admin still has not changed since Gangwars. You are still the ruthless, unforgiving, horrible admin you were in Gangwars. You never talk to players, you just ban and ban and ban. This is all you do and you never communicate which makes a horrible admin. The reason you keep getting admin is because you are seen as a strong independent women who can control a server. When in fact, you are just a power hungry individual and just looking for the tiniest reasons to ban someone. You want that power to take the fun away from people. You like that feeling of banning people.

This is the one admin I mentioned in my other post about how great the server is that I personally can't stand. Why is it that no other admins have problems with me? Why is it that every time something happens to me it's because of Ruxandra? I played the game the way everyone plays it, and I get banned for it.

So I take back my opinion on how great the admin team is. Everyone is great EXCEPT for Ruxandra. No communication, no ability to see the context of the situation, ruthless, cold, careless.

Do not get mad at me for insulting you. Get mad at your self for continuing to ruin the fun for everyone who is playing the game the way the community set the standard to play the game. Raiding for a valid reason has never been established. It was always that if you saw a shady looking house that had contraband, you would go raiding. This is the way the game is played, and you are banning for it.

Last thing. You can make the argument saying that because everyone does it doesn't mean you should. The fact is, it is IMPOSSIBLE to play this way. There is no real good RP. If I try to talk to someone and engage with some good RP, they usually punch me in the face and run off, or just ignore me completely, or I get told to fuck off. This is how the community establishes the fact that this is a raiding, contrawhoring, shop owning gamemode. We all play it this way, and most of us like it. I raided because I had a suspicion of there being contraband.

I got banned for playing the way these gamemodes have been played for years. Would I like to play the game the way it was meant to by the server owner? Sure, but then you have to make this server a whitelist only server.

I am now awaiting either a massive amount of hatred towards me for making this post, a complete ban, or a discussion. You, the community, and the admin team can pick which one you want . I would prefer the third option.

Thank you for reading my rant.

Someone who agrees with me on the picture bellow. Not sure if his ban was legitimate, unlike mine, but just wanted to post it.
[Image: chatqk.png]
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I'm way to lazy to read all of this, someone mind posting a short summary?
No, I do not want to be summarized. I want you to get the complete message. Even if you think that what I have to say is complete bullshit.
*Goes into kitchen to grab six pack of coke and popcorn* Well... *sighs* here we go...
Just to warn you, this has a very angry tone which I know people hate on forums, but I'm angry at this admin so I showed it.
Honestly... I can agree with some of that stuff Tounge
Im going to start off with this.

First off, if you are raiding for contraband and contrawhoring the whole time you are on the server you are playing on fearless completely wrong. This is a semi serious roleplaying server and yes contraband is a good reason to make money, but that does not make it the best way to play. It is in fact the worst because you have the best chance of getting banned like you did because you did not have a liable reason for the raid you are stating. Unless you are apart of the police force you are not able to raid for contraband because if you think about it the random unemployed or even people apart of a rebellion or mafia group would not do that without a reason. So that is what you did wrong with that. How it is sounding is you are made that people are raiding you for contraband. What you should have done is reported them to the administration team or posted a ban request on them because they had no legit reason to raid you. But instead you took matters in your own hands and joined the group that you were angry with.

Contraband is a risky way to make money. Yes it is an easy way to make money, but that is why its so risky. Just like real life. You will flourish until you get caught. There are numerous ways to make money on the server. (Gun Dealer, Chef, or even think of your own roleplay to make money. Ruxandra isnt the problem here. You are just putting the blame on her because she was the person who banned you. If anyone else would of banned you, you would easily change all of those Ruxandra to the said admin that banned you. Now think about this. No one is perfect so you cant put all the blame on them calling them a horrible administrator. Sometimes they can be rash and just ban you for something like this. So there is no need to make a huge thread about something that has happen that should of happened like this situation. I am sorry that you got banned, but it sounds like you should of been banned because you did break the rules sorry to say.

So there is no need to call out a member of the administration team for this.
Short summary -
RP is a shadow of it's Garry's Mod 9/Roleplay Forum origins and hasn't existed in Garry's Mod for at least six years. The guy goes off and states that Rux is evil and then later goes back and takes off his original statement insisting that nothing is wrong but Rux.
You did not call out any of the points I made.

First, I don't contrawhore in the traditional way. I won't give away the way I do it, but it involves me placing down the contraband, and then leaving. I don't go afk and sit there. This would be boring. No one does what I do and it's a shame. So, I'm not mad at people stealing my contraband, because people are not smart enough to find it.

Next, it seems like you completely ignored my post. I told you the way the gamemode is structured. No one ever raids for valid reasons. People always do it to either kill the mayor, or steal contraband.

I would like you to address my point. The only way you can counter them is by lying and saying that people don't play the gamemode to earn money and buy cars and guns. I like to RP, raid, and contrawhore. Everyone raids, you just have to be lucky not to get caught by an admin.

Edit: The above is wrong. The problem is Rux not communicating and being unreasonable in her decisions. The rules need to be refined to how the community is playing the game.
(10-31-2012, 01:39 AM)Jerry Microwave Wrote: I'm way to lazy to read all of this, someone mind posting a short summary?


He's mad because he got banned for "playing the gamemode as it's intended"

Which is, according to him, not me;

Basing, contrafarming, making a shop and protecting the president.

The end.


I'll give you my point of view on this.

I fully agree with you on the fact that there's little to NO RP going on on the server at some times, simply because the server has huge flows of people who are new to RP and don't know how to RP yet and because you can't expect the "Good" RPers to be online at every time of every day..

You can't expect someone to RP if they have no experience in RPing, instead of ranting on the forums, try helping people in the server, give them tips etcetera, instead of blowing them off.

If someone breaks a rule (Asuming you know the server rules) you can simply banrequest them on the forums, don't follow the bad examples some of the members set out.

I personally think that some of your points are valid and some are not, but who am I to judge you? You're free to have your opinion and I respect it, you have shown bravery by making this post in the first place, which is why I won't put you down.

Sincerely, Salinsky.

(Sorry if this is not very accurate etc, I am writing this at 3:36 in the morning..)

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