Unban Request
My Name: Inky243

Ban ID: 16096

Banned by: Vauld

Reason: player harassment

people involved: inky243, vauld

Why i should be unbanned: Ok well firstly this is the ban request made on me - http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...ht=inky243

Now "Vauld" banned me for player harassment which is a lie because calling someone a *** is not harassment this is what harassment means "a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented" So as i did not constantly say it i did not harass him.

Now this is what *** means (i am from Britain so this is my definition of ***) " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot_%28food%29 " so you could now say: that is not what you meant but i say prove it!

So i have technically done absolutely nothing wrong what so ever, so firstly i have been banned for no reason what so ever.

Secondly this part is for admin abuse on vauld

Reason 1: He banned me for no reason
Reason 2: He was Bias towards me, on that ban request you the person right above me had said f**k in ooc so i would like to know why vauld was only Bias towards me by not banning "BASTARD" which again is admin abuse
Reason 3- The title i got banned for "player harassment" is a lie and a false statement because that is not what happened what so ever so he is lying therefor admin abuse again!!

Also vauld since when did 71 year old people play Gmod?
LOL! You're telling me you called him a propblocking whore delicious dish of food?
ha that's weird 71 old playing Gmod i thought he'd rather be playing bingo =P also *** is tasty and nobody can deny it!
plus its not harassment if you only do it once...
Yes prove that i wasn't :3 it's easier to say the short term cigarette**t, than it is to say delicious dish of food.
Well I'm going to go ahead and deny him because it's about a 99.99% chance that wasn't what you were trying to say.

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