It's over -9000!!!one!!

I'll try bringing this thread back,

Raffi gets a 10 cos.. cos... I said he does...
Shark gets a 9 !
Not a 10 because he eats people.
I should get a 10 cuz I got you a Christmas prezzie :3

Kenny gets a 10 cos he's immortal.. and we have to forget everything when he dies.. so it's like a MASSIVE NLR rule Tounge
(01-24-2011, 08:08 PM)Shark Wrote: It's over -9000!!!one!!

I'll try bringing this thread back,

Raffi gets a 10 cos.. cos... I said he does...

You do realise -9001 is UNDER -9000? Tounge

Sniperwolf gets an 10. 11 if he can play electric guitar.

C WUT I DID THAR lolcaps
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How dare you, I should move out of Set 1...

Sniper get's a 10 cos he's SA now, and I guess.. he's kinda.. epic? :3
(01-24-2011, 09:11 PM)Sir Raffi Wrote: IT'S UNDER NINE THOOOUUUSAAAAAAAND

Sniperwolf gets an 10. 11 if he can play electric guitar.

C WUT I DID THAR lolcaps

Thank god you got the reference.
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(01-24-2011, 09:28 PM)Sir Raffi Wrote: Thank god you got the reference.

But of course.

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