Shorting ban Sanik
Your name: Sanik/[FL:RP] Sanik my old name

Your ban ID: 15560

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: Randomly molotiving Passive RP builds and disconnecting to avoid punishment, 11 priors

Involved: Banana_Prototype one of my friends and Thugzz my other friend who i threw a molotov at ...

Why we should unban you: Banana and i were trolling my friend Thugzz (Listen my friend.) But my game were fucked up so i would reconnect: Buffer overflow buffer overflow buffer overflow... Then i finally came back i were banned.... I dont think its right to ban me then im reconnecting... Anyways i were trolling a friend and i get a ban for it i mean WTF is that?
You broke our rules with your little trolling, so why are you surprised by the ban? After all this time of being banned "unfairly", you haven't thought about appealing the case before?
Also, if I added "disconnecting to avoid punishment" in the reason, it means it was obvious you disconnected intentionally.
Anyways it would be nice to if i could get my ban shorted down or cutted off now Gmod 13/FL13 released...

I got an idea if you extreme blacklist me from Weapons Contrabands and stuff like that i can only do passive Rp Smile What do you say? Not perm maybe the days that back or 20 days or stuff like that hmm?
.... Will anyone please end this unban request?!?!?!?

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