Whats up everybody
Fluffy here with a nice litte greeting
i have played this server for over 20 hours now and i love it, except the fact that i keep getting banned because people cant take what they dish out.
For example, this young man decided to be a troll to me, so i trolled back and got banned, u dont see me complaining that he trolled me...
but besides that this server is fun and enjoyable, thanks everyone and rock out!!!!
Hello . Welcome to the forums .

Glad you are enjoying the servers :)

need some help ? hit me up on the pm's or check out the help section :)
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community.
If you have any queries regarding rules or roleplay, feel free to hit me up with a PM.

Otherwise, I guess I shall see you in-game. Wink
Hello and welcome to the forums! I am sure you will have a good time here Smile
Hi there! Welcome to our little, slightly dysfunctional family!
Hope you have a fun and productive time on the forums and in-game!
See you on the servers.
Welcome to Fearless community.
Hope to see you ingame in the future..
Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the Fearless Community!

I see you're having problems in game (getting bans for various reasons)
Add me on Steam or PM me here or in game if someone's up your face trying to turn you into an RDMer lol
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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