Whos your hero ?
Can be anyone, real or something of fiction.

Mine is isaac clarke from Deadspace, I just find him so awesome.
[Image: dead-space-2-isaac.jpg]
Who else..?
[Image: 2lmb9qs.jpg]
Didnt we had such a thread already?
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
No, we had whos your fav game character. This is in general.
Could be a football player or something.
The pope, because he never forgets his German roots.

[Image: papst.jpg]
[Image: mapiha.png]

Hé le jour de gloire est arrivé, enfant de la patrie, kalashnikov chargée toujours de la partie.
[Image: 457px-Jonathan_Coulton.jpeg]
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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How did I know raffi ? Wink
How did I know you made the thread, and you'd choose Isaac Clarke?

And yes, I love Jonathan Coulton.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Signature graphic by Barkles
Sly Stallone Tounge

All those Rocky and Rambo Movies!
ONE man...
- And he is the man of men.

Gentlemen, I present to you...
DlCK MASTERSON! =D (I can't write Dlck with i , since that name is apparantly a bad word according to the FL forums...)


I'm not sexist or anything, but that man is AWESOME.
He's completely awesome, watch the video and laugh.

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