Rebel House
So i have a very simple question.
Who can base at white rebel house like base with contra or without it.
Some admins told that rebels are not allowed to base there (Due to NLR breaking)
But what about others, can for example unemployed make a house there(with contra or without)?
Please answer
From what i know. No you can not since admins used to let people base at spawns but then it became against the rules due to Rule breaking. But i is still a Rebel house so from what i know no one can base at either the Rebel spawn house or the corleone house since they still belong to their respective factions. But then again i can be wrong so might want to get a answer from a Super-admin or a regular admin to be 100% sure.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

I'm pretty sure no, unless someone move the Rebel spawn to outside the house.
Yeah, why don't you move the spawn out actually? the house is pretty good for basing at.
(10-19-2012, 08:42 AM)Catkillerfive Wrote: I'm pretty sure no, unless someone move the Rebel spawn to outside the house.

Actually spawn of rebels is outside the house, but i want to know if unemployed can "live" there like make some passive RP house there or something similar.
I think that any basing at their respective spawns (Rebels and Corleones) can be considered trespassing and the rules of RP apply.

I would still wait for an admin to reply though.
The spawnpoint should be move, because letting the rebels not base there is just stupid.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
The spawnpoint was moved a little, at least for the Corleones.

And everyone calls it Rebel House, but unlike the Corleone house which is clearly labelled I am fairly sure that the 'Rebel House' is not.

In my opinion, it is absurd not to let anyone 'base' there just because rebels spawn near it. The Corleone House itself is hardly ever used by Corleones either, opting for Villas 1 or 3.

Although this is only my opinion, an admin or even better Super-Admin's view would be best to clear this up.
SoulRipper Wrote:
Borovichok Wrote:
SoulRipper Wrote:
Borovichok Wrote:Hello soulripper, I Have a very simple question.
Are Rebels allowed to base at white house or unemployes?
Please answer. THanks
What you mean with white house?

White house(rebels spawn near it)
My question is, are unemployeds allowed to base there(not contrabasing, but Passiverp house, with furniture etc)

Yes, that is allowed. Smile
Good to hear.

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