Random Ban. Unban Request. Must LOOK!
Your name: {BFP} Mr.WolfeyMan

Your ban ID: 15650

Banned by: [FL] Holdem

Reason: .

Involved: No one

Why we should unban you: I was walking and got banned and so did many other players so look at the bans and look at 15648-15652
all of these are random bans.
Please do something about this because this is very annoying.

No he says soothing about a gill atone or soothing but I didn't so that makes no sense to me. This is one very abusive admin.

No a 6 DAY BAN!! for no reason.
I was in the corleon house not even with the other cordons so I'm a bit confused on how I'm banned and also I'm confused on why i was banned if i didn't do anything and i also saw what they were doing they where killing people who wouldn't leave the house so they would rope them up and kill them for being on our property.
Point is I got banned for being a corleon for 3 minuets.
Thank you Holdem, for being an abusive admin.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
(10-14-2012, 05:04 PM)Chicken :D Wrote: Your name: {BFP} Mr.WolfeyMan

Your ban ID: 15650

Banned by: [FL] Holdem

Reason: .

Involved: No one

Why we should unban you: I was walking and got banned and so did many other players so look at the bans and look at 15648-15652
all of these are random bans.
Please do something about this because this is very annoying.

No he says soothing about a gill atone or soothing but I didn't so that makes no sense to me. This is one very abusive admin.

No a 6 DAY BAN!! for no reason.
I was in the corleon house not even with the other cordons so I'm a bit confused on how I'm banned and also I'm confused on why i was banned if i didn't do anything and i also saw what they were doing they where killing people who wouldn't leave the house so they would rope them up and kill them for being on our property.
Point is I got banned for being a corleon for 3 minuets.
Thank you Holdem, for being an abusive admin.

Holdem should of talked to us first and had a conversation to be honest. You had nothing to do with it and should be unbanned, we shot the doctor as he broke fearrp and ran as a hostaged person.
You where banned for 7 days (Instead of 3 like the others) because of your previous bans. An unban will not come from me, executing people in public with a guillotine is totally fail RP, specially as Corleones.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
(10-14-2012, 06:16 PM)Holdem Wrote: You where banned for 7 days (Instead of 3 like the others) because of your previous bans. An unban will not come from me, executing people in public with a guillotine is totally fail RP, specially as Corleones.

HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. He joined the corleone then got banned. He was with us for a few minutes. Do the right thing here for his sake.
Thank you Verzyn
But I honestly don't think that they are getting the point that most of us were innocent and had nothing to do with it and like angle said about donating I just donated like 2 weeks ago but after my donator thing is up right now I find it almost pointless to donate again if I get banned for no reason and I was a corleaon for the least amount of time and I got banned the longest.
Please explain at all how Holdem is a good admin if he bans people who are doing nothing wrong and just walking around.
(10-14-2012, 06:31 PM)Chicken :D Wrote: Thank you Verzyn
But I honestly don't think that they are getting the point that most of us were innocent and had nothing to do with it and like angle said about donating I just donated like 2 weeks ago but after my donator thing is up right now I find it almost pointless to donate again if I get banned for no reason and I was a corleaon for the least amount of time and I got banned the longest.
Please explain at all how Holdem is a good admin if he bans people who are doing nothing wrong and just walking around.

It's completely ridiculous. I agree. Also what does banning us accomplish? Holden you will not unban us i know that. But just think how it feels to be banned from something you really enjoy for a pathetic reason.
(10-14-2012, 06:33 PM)Verzyn Wrote:
(10-14-2012, 06:31 PM)Chicken :D Wrote: Thank you Verzyn
But I honestly don't think that they are getting the point that most of us were innocent and had nothing to do with it and like angle said about donating I just donated like 2 weeks ago but after my donator thing is up right now I find it almost pointless to donate again if I get banned for no reason and I was a corleaon for the least amount of time and I got banned the longest.
Please explain at all how Holdem is a good admin if he bans people who are doing nothing wrong and just walking around.

It's completely ridiculous. I agree. Also what does banning us accomplish? Holden you will not unban us i know that. But just think how it feels to be banned from something you really enjoy for a pathetic reason.

I agree, its like being banned for rping as a C.H.E.C which was deemed perfectly fine when the went around raiding anyone they thought they could ''hear'' contra whoring.
I was watching everyone for around 5-10 minutes. I will not issue an unban since I saw you taking part in the RP, weilding weapons against police next to the guillotine/Forcing people onto the guillotine (Paramedic/Doctor).

Plus you making the thread title "Random" doesn't help. You're acusing me or randomly selecting a person to ban just because, that not being the reason.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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