Lets say a thanks to all the team because they protect server from illegal people
Ah your this kid! Yeah so it's sarcasm..
(10-03-2012, 11:25 AM)Captain Mathias Wrote: ...Minges. You mean..Minges.

I'm getting so tired of you attitude, I wish I could hand out a warning to you. You are pissing off people with that, looks like you got the meaning of the post. Why would you need to correct him if you know what he means?
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

SRY SRY there is a misunderstanding! i cant say a thnx to admins becuase they work hard for us to roleplay seriusly and protect us from the rulesbreakers people ??yeah i havemake some mistakes too but generally i like admins because the take care of us ...it has notihng to do with my ban ok/?
ok guys plz go to other thread if u want to solve your problems ok /? just type a THANKS to all the team and solve your problems..i made this post to tell a thanks to admins ..
At first, you make some thread where you're happy about 10 bans.
You get a 4 months ban because of that.
And now, you're making a thread to say "thanks".
Are you trying to get your ban lifted?

Although I agree that the admins deserve a thanks.
Thanks to the whole team.
Gotto love the FL administrators.
They keep the servers safe. From people like you. Really, you say it's heartfelt, and if that's true I guess I must salute you to some degree, but it's a bit hypocritical to thank them, when you disrespect them by breaking the rules.

(10-03-2012, 12:31 PM)Andreas Wrote: I wish I could hand out a warning to you.

And I with you. You are going off-topic and flaming, score 1 for the hypocrisy + irony team.
hellshell plz read all the replys i type ok ...i am just got bored to reqrite thing ok ..for last time first ...when isaid i i am a badboy yeah i didnt mean it ..what kind of people would be happy for getting 10th banned and be near perma ..ha who? and second caant i just say thanks to admin that help all of us?can i? ...this thread has nothing with the ban ok?? got it?
Hah, funny.
Seriously, THEIF also made useless threads all the time, it's like he got a child.
I also respect the administrators, but I think this was a thread to try and get your ban lifted
say whatver u want ..i dont care ...
(10-03-2012, 01:02 PM)rafaelk1998 Wrote: ..what kind of people would be happy for getting 10th banned and be near perma ..ha who?

Quite possible the same kind of people who'd make a thread celebrating their 10th ban.

Just Saiyan.

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