Unban request.
Your name: Gemini

Your ban ID: 15054

Banned by: Vauld/Zzzzap

Server: (From which of our servers have you been banned? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)


Why we should unban you:
Ok, There isn't much to say for your approval as I know it will be difficult to put up to me as I am a pain (I will admit this to all of you).
Ever since the ban happened I knew that I have nothing left on GMod, The only reason that I have purchased the game was...To play on the Fearless Server.
I am truly sorry for all the precarious crimes that I have broken but as you can see from the bans they are not something that is extremly conspicuous and antagonizing like say. Scamming or Prop Surfing. I will clarify that I have never in my life on the Fearless server ever done any of these.
The approval of this will mean a lot to me as after I got banned which was in the 29th I think. I had to change my tactics, I went on other role playing servers and tryed to adapt to the concepts of roleplaying because Fearless RP is actually the first role playing server that I have encountered so I didn't know what to do that's why I have so many bans when I joined the game.
I haven't met the whole community which was what I wanted because most of the admins are helpful and most of the time do not ignore you which I adore about this special community which you have created.
I am a active person in Fearless and I don't want to lose the friendly community and the helpful admins, Please take this to consideration and I will respect your decision.
Thank you.
If you love Fearless so much, why do you keep breaking the rules?
(10-01-2012, 03:03 PM)Zzzzap Wrote: If you love Fearless so much, why do you keep breaking the rules?

Zzzzap, I have never met you in game and I would want to.
I don't know why. As I stated in my unban request Fearless is the first RP server that I have ever been to and I've been in a lot of games where you killed civillians (GTA) and it's pretty hard to adjust to. Sorry. I am actually trying not to break the rules and actually RP which was going pretty well (I have two RP points) but sometimes I guess I do some stupid things and I apologize for them.
No, it's not that hard to adjust. Most of us (if not everybody) play all kinds of RP-distant games aside from FL and we're managing just fine. It's more a matter attitude and effort.
I have never played a online RP game before Fearless but I did start to play some after I got this and they are nothing compared to FearlessRP. DarkRP is the hardest RP game I have played.
I'm extremely anxious for your decision because this server means a lot.
For the ban request I have now I think that it's invalid as I was in my car and using nitro when a person just ran across the road without using the crossing, I tried braking and turning but I couldn't find a solution to get out the way and he shouted in Ooc that I CDM’d Vauld was administrating the server and wasn't watching when I did this he just knew it was me because I said that I attempted to brake the FEARRP is really confusing for me to understand because a cop was following me and said get out of the car while he was in his car so it wouldn't be FEARRP because he didn't have a gun on me and was just in his car. Please help me.
I will promise you that if you possess the heart to lift this ban that I will change and if I get banned again for something like RDM you can permanent ban me but please,
Not now . I have just understood what it feels like to lose something valuable in your life and believe me it doesn't feel good.
It has been three days since I have last replied to this thread. Please tell me your decision.
(10-05-2012, 07:30 AM)Isaaacer Wrote: It usually means they're thinking. Give them time broSmile

I have to add gemini. When i first started to play Fearless, was about a month ago now. You would tell me all the wrong things. You'd never stop following me around, telling me to pay ridiculous prices for guns. So, i don't know how you say your serious about roleplaying?
Just saying.


On topic:
I think I can lower this ban to a month, you seem like you are sorry about everything. Please keep in mind your next rule violation WILL be permanent, no exceptions.

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