Government officials - what you should and should not do
Hello there Fearlessians, this is my second thread on government officials.

This thread is meant to clear up some foggy areas and to make the government RP a bit more realistic.

Note: This information is not set in stone, i.e. it is not stated in the rules. This is simply a thread with my opinion on government jobs. If you do not agree with me and have nothing creative to add to the thread, do not post here.

The President
His job is: To make laws (broadcast every 5-10 minutes, although if you broadcast every 5 minutes you will minimize the issue of someone not seeing the laws), command the government and handle the entire city.
His job is not: To jump from the top of the Nexus. To set high taxes without a valid RP reason. And finally, he cannot order anyone to break the server rules, or make laws that are opposite to the permanent laws.

The Special Service
Their job is: To protect the President, meaning to build adequate Nexus defenses and to act as an emergency response team. (SWAT,SAS,SEAL etc.)
Their job is not: To patrol the streets (even if given permission), to search houses for contraband, to generally enforce the law (they are not policemen).

The Police
Their job is: To patrol the city and the outskirts enforcing the law. To protect citizens (something which most officers forget). To assist the citizens when they are distressed. To be examples of the law.
Their job is not: To be above the law. To break into people's homes and intrude on their privacy. To harass the citizens. To idle in a corner, they must do their job 100% of the time.

The Police Commander
His job is: To organize the police officers. To command them and relay orders from the President. To make sure that his officers are doing their job, and demote if necessary.
His job is not: To patrol the streets. To act as an ordinary officer. To be a Jail Guard. To ignore his duties.

The Firemen/Paramedics
Their job is: To listen to the requests made by citizens and government officials and respond to them immediatelly. To help the citizens whenever possible.
Their job is not: To hang around the Police/SS and ignore the requests. To run off into the distance and ignore everyone.

The Nexus Desk Secretaries
His job is: To sit at the Nexus lobby reception table and handle appointments. To, if necessary, build an adequate lobby defense system. To act as a link between the citizens and the President.
His job is not: To be outside of the Nexus building, mainly the lobby. To interfere with the Police/SS.

These are just the basic outlines of the government jobs, there are many more shades of RP-ing I have decided not to add, simply to make this as clear as possible.

*Note* I have not put the Head of the SS job in, simply because his job is to order the SS agents, in other respects, he does a job similar to theirs.

The most important guideline to being a government official is this:

If you pick a job, act like it! Don't like it? Don't pick it!
The following 2 users Like DoomDude1's post:
  • HellShell, Agent Soapy
Great guide, but I'm pretty sure the Police Commander can patrol the streets too.
För helvete.
Unfortunately, there is some disparity on the Commander's job. Is he a commissioner or an actual squad commander?

His model hints at the latter, so for now I would advise that he too can patrol.
President is pretty much the job everyone takes to make some money quickly, by setting tax to 30$ and RPing as a dictator as an excuse to set the tax so high. Every day it's dictators and it's BLOODY Annoying, can anyone RP a proper president?
Steam Name: Fallcon
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34631279
To be honest, you could set the tax to $30 and come up with a different reason for it. As long as you keep everyone happy and don't be a dictator, you can indefinitely earn that money and because tax isn't a reason to raid, you're free.

So many people don't realise this.

Something else I see a lot of the time is people going Nexus Desk Secretary and then disregarding their job entirely, instead becoming a Banker, Shopkeeper etc.

This is completely against the job.
I hate seeing police officers at top floor Nexus. If you weren't asked to go up there, then you shouldn't be there. The SS guard the President when they are not needed elsewhere, not police.
The following 2 users Like GeorgeTheBoy's post:
  • Enzyme, Infernaw
(09-29-2012, 02:01 PM)Adman Wrote: Unfortunately, there is some disparity on the Commander's job. Is he a commissioner or an actual squad commander?

His model hints at the latter, so for now I would advise that he too can patrol.

Technically a Police Commisioner is a civillian job, therefore not requiring a uniform, unless for ceremonial purposes I would imagine. I'm sure it differs between city, province/state, and country. Because the model is wearing a uniform, I think the player role is intended for patrolling as well. I typically play the Commander as more of a "Comissioner" job and sit back at the Nexus if I have a full police force, because it adds some diversity to gameplay. I think how the job is played is up to the player...most people just play it as a standard police officer.

Just throwing in my input.
Let me make this clear once and for all: Special Services = tactical unit, same as SWAT, SAS, SRU, QRF and the others.

Their primary function is to be a tactical unit, dealing with high risk situations, barricaded suspects, heavily armed criminals, officers under fire, etc operations. Their main function is not to wear suits and protect presidents.
The following 4 users Like Killjoy's post:
  • Odyssey, kevalalajnen, Bailey444, Infernaw
(09-30-2012, 01:29 AM)Killjoy Wrote: Let me make this clear once and for all: Special Services = tactical unit, same as SWAT, SAS, SRU, QRF and the others.

Their primary function is to be a tactical unit, dealing with high risk situations, barricaded suspects, heavily armed criminals, officers under fire, etc operations. Their main function is not to wear suits and protect presidents.

Aye, that is why I stated that they are an emergency response unit.

But (thankfully), the server is not in a 24/7 state of war. Truth be told, there is a situation which requires SS support every 45 minutes, at best. The rest of the time, when the city is fairly peaceful, they have nothing to do.

Now, in those peaceful times, is it not best for the President to have his most elite units guard him? I do agree that real life SWAT units sit on their bums all day long until they are called, but can we expect that from players? Especially if you take into account that 70% of the people who play SS are kids (not age-wise, they are just not mature) who want to be cops with bigger guns.

All in all, I feel that by having them sit in one place, and do something, the SS is prevented from patrolling the streets and causing an uproar with the general player base. And, ofcourse, if an emergency situation arises, they should be on the scene, doing their job.
Good guide doomdude! But isn't SS supposed to mainly stay with the president or any other highly elected leaders? If we really need a person to assist on drug raids, or shootouts or just any life threatening case in general just make a SWAT class, which can stay in Nexus until called on by a law enforcement unit.Here is what the Secret Service is supposed to do: Protect the president or any foreign official and stop the counterfeiting of money.
Not raid a crack shack or walk down the street in their expensive suit and buying guns and fishes.I would continue on but I think you can see the point.

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