Far Cry 3 Specs for PC
Thought people might wanna know it

Thanks to far cry twitter
Official Far Cry 3 PC specs announced through UbiSoft forums


Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo E6700 or 3.00 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 6000+ or better

Video Card: 512 MB DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)


Processor: Intel Core i3-530 or AMD Phenom II X2 565 or better


Video Card: 1024 MB DirectX 11-compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)


Processor: Intel Core i7-2600K or AMD FX-4150 or better

Video Card: 1024 MB DirectX 11-compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (see supported list)


ATI Radeon HD 2900 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 series
Nvidia GeForce GTX 8800 / GTX 9000 / GT 200 / GT 400 / GT 500 / GT 600 series
Bullshit to say it needs an i7 processor for Hi-Performance. I bet i5 Ivy Bridge can do it just as good.
Anyways, thanks for making the post. I've been wondering about it.
I'm no pro at this stuff
I barely know anything about those requirements and what is even i7

I'm just glad I pre ordered it for PS3
(09-25-2012, 07:09 PM)StillAlive Wrote: Bullshit to say it needs an i7 processor. I bet i5 Ivy Bridge can do it just as good.
Anyways, thanks for making the post. I've been wondering about it.

For high performance,
The 2500K and 2600K CPU's are really similar in performance, so its just a general guess for max performance. They really assume this based upon playable FPS and bottleneck issues that you encounter with some CPU's.
Being said a i5-3570K and 2500K offer similar performance to the 2600K and you would easily be able to run it. Also take resolution into consideration since standard today for a gamer is 1920 X 1080 and is more demanding.

The idea of the the FX-4150 running it just seems odd since it is considerably lower tier than the 2600K.

Otherwise the game is not all that demanding from the looks of it
Bollocks with the RAM,

I can play Crysis on almost all ultra with only 4 GBs of RAM

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