Minecraft: Tekkit
(09-23-2012, 10:20 PM)Killjoy Wrote:
(09-23-2012, 08:16 PM)The_Alpha_Dog Wrote: Dubwub helping me host the server!
Guess I won't be applying after all, seeing my fan-club's behind it.

You wont play on a tekkit server because Dubwub is helping host it? I dont exactly see the logic behind that, but to each their own.

See you guys there sometime
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
(09-23-2012, 07:46 PM)Midget Wrote: Could you please just *** off or stop trolling?

Calm your queef, here you go

Minecraft Name

Estimated MC Hours
-Started playing since Alpha 1.1

How well do you know Tekkit? (1-10)
-Not really sure how to answer this properly so I'm just gona very well

Do you understand that griefing/hacking will get you banned?
Minecraft Name- Sammyk25

Estimated MC Hours- 200

How well do you know Tekkit? (1-10)- Some 6

Do you understand that griefing/hacking will get you banned?- Yes
Colonel Burger and Rain999, Accepted!
Minecraft Name

Estimated MC Hours

How well do you know Tekkit? (1-10)

Do you understand that griefing/hacking will get you banned?
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Minecraft Name -bruterules

Estimated MC Hours - 200-300

How well do you know Tekkit? (1-10) - 6-7

Do you understand that griefing/hacking will get you banned? Yep.
With all due respect,

Trevor Jackson

[Image: ActualSig.jpg]
Alpha? Is this your server, where is our house or whatever?
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
We are all making are own companies. I'm with my brother and his friend. Try and bring a friend with you to set up with him and stuff.

Bruterules & Ghost_walker are Accepted!
Anybody willing to team up with me?

Would be good with 3 - 4 people or more.


Are you willing to group up with me?

Yes or No

I will give you coordinates in PM. lol
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Join now and I'll help you set up.

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