Preventing admin impersonation
So we all know that recently several outraged banned/ex members of FL community have tried to impersonate our administrative team, by replacing teir nicknames with one of the admins names, and by that means, fooling around fearless or other RP servers, trying to make people think bad about the FL community
This is surely not acceptable but barely anything admins can do about this, while the FL haters trying to make people think that the owners or the staff members of this community is nothing more but a low and selfish people

Not naming, I remember long somewhere in 2009 I have seen a system in one zombie RP server, in where in order to prevent administrative staff impersonation you get a kick warning to dont place the tag [<community initials>]
If after 2 warnings/kicks the user still doesn't making any difference, they get banned for a certain amount of time

So I hope you basically get my idea
Hope this will be approved
We can't ban people who is already banned, or doing it on another server.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
I meant only FL server
But I'm more than sure that more people will be doing this sort of crap
Impersonating me thread Wrote:... said really bad things to other persons in that server. I never join other server's than Fearless.

But this is still a good idea for people joining FL with [FL] in their name.
Of course should also add other possible tags like [F-L] [FL.] etc.

Cause this kind of people would try to bypass it I guess.
I agree with the idea here.

(09-18-2012, 05:13 PM)Theblackshadowofgod Wrote:
Impersonating me thread Wrote:... said really bad things to other persons in that server. I never join other server's than Fearless.

But this is still a good idea for people joining FL with [FL] in their name.
Of course should also add other possible tags like [F-L] [FL.] etc.

Cause this kind of people would try to bypass it I guess.

If they have any variation, then they're not the real one. If I was on the server and saw this, I would point it out to everybody.
(09-18-2012, 05:17 PM)Adman Wrote: If they have any variation, then they're not the real one. If I was on the server and saw this, I would point it out to everybody.

Well, yes. But some people are just retarded Tounge
(09-18-2012, 05:21 PM)Theblackshadowofgod Wrote:
(09-18-2012, 05:17 PM)Adman Wrote: If they have any variation, then they're not the real one. If I was on the server and saw this, I would point it out to everybody.

Well, yes. But some people are just retarded Tounge

As I was typing my response, I was going to say 'Who would be stupid enough to not recognise a false tag?'.

I then realised quite a few people would. :S
The community I'm Admin in have something like this.
Soul have a Admin Steam Group, just make it so when someone is using THAT name when joining the server then they instantly get kicked. I'm show you in just a minute (Ones my internet stop being a dick to me).

If I'm not part of a specific Steam group, and use a specific name or part of a name (EG: [FL] Soul Martini) then he would be instantly banned/kicked as you are deliberately TRYING to impersonate the owner. I searched up Soul's Steam profile and he is the only one with that name. So only people that is not part of the Admin Steam Group will get kicked or banned if they try to use the name of (Example) "[FL] Temar".
This should work (Soul or Temar)

Code updated
for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
        if !v:IsAdmin() and string.find(v:Nick(),"[FL]") then
             v:Kick("Only admins are allowed to to wear the [FL] tag");
             return false;
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