Unban Request Yosoldja

[b]Your ban ID:

Banned by: Console (Permaban)

Server: Both

Involved: Been such a long time I forgot

Why we should unban you: Around 3 months back I was on fearless, it was a slow day on the server, being an idiot I decided to spice it up with some RDM (I know, stupid move). Due to my previous record of bans I was permabanned. I now regret that, and promise that if let back onto the server I wont get any ban, and will only roleplay. My motivation to get back is due to many of my friends joining fearless recently.
[img]C:\Users\Hassan\Desktop\fearless rp logo.jpg[/img]
I can see letting you back if you accept maybe a 50hour+ weapon blacklist. Since it seems quite a few of those bans are to do with RDM and such.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
(09-02-2012, 07:30 PM)Grub Wrote: I can see letting you back if you accept maybe a 50hour+ weapon blacklist. Since it seems quite a few of those bans are to do with RDM and such.

Im fine with that, just dont make it perma.
[img]C:\Users\Hassan\Desktop\fearless rp logo.jpg[/img]
I honestly have no clue who banned you but, You are unbanned for now. Remember 50hour blacklist.

Edit: Give me a little time. I have a certain error.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

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