[BUYING] President Defence System

I've been wanting a system that is quite advanced for the top floor of GHQ.

Can anybody sell me this, and name your price please?
Hi Sir, I Work for a Private Construction Firm.

A Custom Security System can be made that fits what you need, so name a price and we can get started ASAP.
(09-02-2012, 09:54 PM)Nevinator Wrote: Hi Sir, I Work for a Private Construction Firm.

A Custom Security System can be made that fits what you need, so name a price and we can get started ASAP.

Thank you!

I don't really know what it's worth, so I'd say maybe $25,000?
Sir we have a deal! Our team will be working on it ASAP!

OOC: v33x of v2d ?
v2d, thank you so much!
Since you are a friend of mine I could have offered you something for these places.

Nexus Garage (Near Gate)
Nexus Garage (Near Labs)
Nexus Lobby (3 Different Types, Combine Style, Office Style and More of a Security Style.)

Nexus Jail Defences (2 Different types, Classic County Jail style with Hydralic Prison Door, More of a top class Security Style)
Nexus Top Defences (3-4 Different types, Highclass Top Defences Modern style, Classic County Prison style, Combine style and More.)

Also, I could possibly build alot of different types aswell.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Looks like i have some competition.

But i believe a Pedobear only accepts deals from a fellow pedobear.
No, no...

I'd like to see what you can construct, I'll be looking forward to it.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Challenge Accepted.
I'd see some work from both, Pedrobear looks forward to seeing it.

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