[DENIED] Unban request!
Your name:
Your SteamID:
Banning Admin:
Killjoy i think
Ban Length:
Don´t know...
Reason for the ban:
Breaking NLR (??)
Why we should unban you:
Ban for nothing...

I was be Rebel Leader I have got money printers and drug labs in house. House had 3 doors and every door have different password. One dude will come as a rebel. I tell him all passwords except password from room with contra. I leave house and go to city. When i arrive the dude leave the rebel team and become Gun Dealer. For the moment i go to contra room and someone knock on door. It was be police and gundealer which was rebel. He said police i have contra in that room and tell him all passwords... . I ran out from room and shoot to police officer but gundealer get me. I die. I spawn and i stole the first car i saw. I don´t know who car it was but i stole it. It was gundealer´s car. I said in OOC "Birdsong is metagaming" . Birdsong say to admin i stole his car. And i get ban for breaking NLR. Why why the f**k Birdsong doesn´t get ban for metagaming or breaking NLR?!
Banned by Sniperwolf, permanently.
A lot more to the story than you just told us.
You also scammed a player .... for a lot of money. Saying you'd pay AFTER you got the guns. This is not allowed.
Sorry my english is not very good so I don´t understand very good.
Killjoy: Birdsong is pernamently banned?
Sniperwolf. Who scam player? Birdsong? Or me? I don´t remeber I do this...

And for how long I am banned?

Thank you for answers
You told birdsong you would pay for guns AFTER you got them - then you didn't pay.

This is not allowed.
(01-06-2011, 02:55 PM)Sniperwolf Wrote: You told birdsong you would pay for guns AFTER you got them - then you didn't pay.

This is not allowed.

What? I never ever buy guns from Birdsong. Never.

Check logs if you can
That's the point - you didn't pay for them. He spawned them, and you stole them apparently.
(01-06-2011, 03:41 PM)Sniperwolf Wrote: That's the point - you didn't pay for them. He spawned them, and you stole them apparently.

No i don´t. Has the evidence?

And can I know for how long I am banned?

All of your posts could have gone in one single post then you would get a straight up answer
Dragon Assasin: Sorry i don´t understand. One post?

And Killjoy can I know for how long I am banned? I was think 24 hours but 24 hours passed 2 hours ago and I am not unbanned

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