Banned :'(
Your name: Nielsen

Your SteamID:

Banning Admin: Don't know

Ban Length: Don't know either, i think permantly

Reason for the ban:I have no idea! Sad

Why we should unban you: I left the computer for a moment to go make some food. Then when i came back i was banned. Don't know why?
I really enjoyed playing on the server for several months! And it really bother me, i can't play because of someone banned me, for no reason. Smile
Woop, forgot..
Here's my steam ID Smile
???? Smile
Hmmmm I can't remember banning you it wasn't me we'll have to wait for the admin that banned you to respond to you.
If he doesn't respond an unban will be in place.
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Well, i don't think the admin remember it..
It was a while ago.
Can't you just unban me? I've been waiting for it, for a very long time
I can't unban you now man, I need a response from the banning admin.
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Yeah.. i understand that, but it was in October, i don't think, the admin remember it.
It's just.. I'm waiting like a little child to get into the server. Cheese
If an admin banned you for that long he had a very good reason.
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I know I don't have the right to post here but why do you make a new reply with question marks, you can't always expect a reply straight away.
Indeed, and you can't be banned for no reason.
And if you have been banned for this long you must have done something seriously bad.
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Again I am not suppose to post here but, admins don't go around banning players for no reason, even if the admin forgets who he banned. You won't get unbanned for that and in this thread you have hardly explained why you should be unbanned and get back on the server

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